Monthly Archives: August 2014

Go Your Way Til The End

Oh friends … tell me I am not alone today.

I struggle so much with my purpose here.  With why I do what I do all day long … elbow deep in diapers and dishwater, I am overwhelmed.

And then-I read things like this.

Daniel 12:13.

 As for you, go your way till the end. You will rest, and then at the end of the days you will rise to receive your allotted inheritance.

The knowledge of, the security of where we are headed should utterly transform how we live while we are waiting.

How do we “go our way?”

Every thought, breath, word, and deed … every dirty dish, massive laundry load, floor mopping, toddler wrestling match, slow count to ten before I engage, should be tempered by the truth of the gospel.

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Pure and Wholesome Music and Educational Videos for your Baby or Toddler

Susan, co-founder of 5 Minutes for Mom, here to let you moms with babies or toddlers know about an app that offers pure, wholesome music and educational videos. This post is sponsored… which as you may know is extremely rare here on 5 Minutes for Faith.

wholesome music app for your baby

Baby’s Brilliant is an app designed specifically to soothe and engage babies and toddlers with musical and educational videos. Unlike sites like YouTube which contain inappropriate videos and are loaded with ads, Baby’s Brilliant only includes pure and wholesome content.

They have specifically selected and recorded many religious songs for parents to share with their little ones.

For parents with multiple children of various ages, this app can help engage your baby or toddler for a little while during your busy dinner preparation time or when you’re focused on helping with homework.

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How to Pursue Peace

In the post “Pursuing Peace” we talked about how the peace of God within us requires that we take action. We also discussed that true peace from God is not just a state of mind or a demeanor, but it is also an example we live out that will draw others to Him. So, that being the case…

How can we pursue peace? What actions can we take in our everyday lives in pursuit of peace?

Peace 1

1. Do your part. This means not getting even, controlling anger and not reacting. It also means choosing relationship over being right.

Peace 2


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Giving Thanks to The Giver


I am usually not good at reading the Old Testament. I guess it intimidates me more than anything. Seeing God’s wrath is intimidating but it is also important to learn about. It’s a characteristic of our God because He is just. His justice points back to the cross and all He is given to us in Jesus Christ, God’s precious son, sacrificing himself for our sins.

Seeking my desire to know and grow closer to God, in a way that wasn’t as comfortable,  led me to start reading 1 Samuel.

In 1 Samuel Chapter 2, I marveled at Hannah’s wonderful prayer of thanksgiving to God.

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Star Catcher MJG


Pulling back the curtain that night I answered the moons call. Captivated by the darkness before midnight, it’s star lit magnificence, I stood in silence. The moon is magical and I imagine the God cord of my heart pulling, drawing me to pay attention.

In all my days doing sometimes, it’s hard to hear. The typical sounds of a life at home with children can drown out any thoughts I have of finding time to just be with God. Whether it’s water running in the kitchen sink or a squabble between my tweens brewing in the next room, my focus rarely remains inward…in that space I like to be, to hear from God.

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Formula for Success

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In the early years of marriage when the care of babies and young children kept me busy and often tired, I struggled to maintain a consistent daily schedule to read my Bible and spend time with the Lord in quiet conversation and prayer. I heard many, many messages and multiple formulas on the subject and was attempting to read my Bible through in a year, but was regularly falling behind and constantly experiencing guilt and discouragement.

Until I heard a lady in my Sunday school class share that she had just completed reading her entire Bible from cover to cover. She had five children and two were under the age of two, and she joyfully exclaimed, “It took me two whole years, but I read every word – cover to cover!”

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