Deb Wolf
Besides my role as Managing Editor here at 5MFF, you will find me at Counting My Blessings, where I write about living as a follower of Jesus through everyday challenges. You can also find me at the HomeGoods Design Happy Blog to pick up tips and ideas for decorating on a budget. In 2010, I shared my personal happiness project in Woman’s Day Magazine and WD Happiness Blog. I am thankful and blessed to serve in ministry beside my husband, Blake, and we invite you to visit our internet prayer ministry – Pray for You. To read more about Deb, please click here. |
Barbie Swihart
I enjoy teaching my 4-5 year olds in Sunday school, and minister in my local House of Prayer as a singer and intercessor. I openly and honestly share from my heart about what God is speaking to me through His Word in order to bring hope and encouragement to others… To read more about Barbie, please click here. |
Dawn Paoletta
I am believer, follower and lover of the One True Living God, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, in whom all things and ALL people were created. To read more about Dawn Paoletta, please click here. |
Genny Heikka
Stop by my blog and share a cup or follow me on twitter. To read more about Genny, please click here. |
Ginger Harrington
Visit me at, as well at You can also find me on twitter @gingharrington and on Pinterest. Come take a peek at my first youtube videos, The How Not To Worship Song and My God Ears are On: Listen to God with Confidence. To continue reading about Ginger, please click here. |
To read more about Kelli, please click here. |
Laura Rath
Although I have always been a Christian, my faith journey over the past few years has been more fulfilling than ever. I have grown closer to, and more dependent on God than I have ever been, and I love it! As I grow closer to Him, I become more passionate about instilling my faith in my daughter, and sharing what He means to me with others. To read more about Laura, please click here. |
I’m a homeschooling mama of three girls, aged 11, 9, and 6, and one 2 year old son. My Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome and I are approaching our 13th wedding anniversary. We brave the change-on-a-dime weather of mid-Michigan. To read more about Mandy, please click here |
Mary Hampton
Prior to focusing on being a wife and mom, I held jobs ranging from vacuum cleaner sales to TV news production to Dean of Girls at a boarding school to HR Director. I suppressed my own dreams of writing for many years, figuring my sister was the ‘real’ writer in the family. But God prompted me to pursue publication a few years ago and, while there’s been a lengthy gap in my publishing history, He never let me move completely away from putting my heart for Him into words… To continue reading about Mary, please click here. |
I’ve been married to my best friend for over 20 years and we have six children ranging in age from 7 to 16. To read more about Melanie, please click here. |
My friends call me Nikki and I’d be honored if you would do the same. I am simply a loved wife, blessed mom, mere child saved by grace who strives daily to live like I deserve it. Home for me is found with my husband of 13 years and our 4-year-old son in the ever-changing climate of Minnesota. Before my role of mother, my favorite jobs included teaching piano and working in interior design. I have a hard time saying no to anything with peanut butter and chocolate and if we meet for coffee, a chai tea latte will be in my cup. To read more about Nikki, please click here. |
Susan Stilwell
One of Susan’s favorite things to do is to chat over coffee. And don’t forget your smartphone and laptop — this former programmer is full of helpful hints! You can connect with Susan on her website, Twitter, or Facebook. To read more about Susan, please click here. |
Susie KleinSusie Klein