Monthly Archives: August 2010

Doing what I’m supposed to…

“But Jesus said, “Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 9:14

When my daughter Grace was 4 1/2, I recorded a conversation we had about sin and heaven.

It’s amazing how God can work on the hearts of little ones, and how God’s teaching me even now to pause and rest, and catch Him working in these little moments… and in his little people!

This is the conversation that Grace had with me about sin.

Grace (4): “Sin is really bad.”

Me: “Yes, it is.”

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Heart Surgery

I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh. Ezekiel 11:19

I’ve been thinking about this verse lately. You see, about four years ago my husband came down with a very serious virus that attacked the lining of his heart. It took more than a year for his doctors to determine a diagnosis, and then months of deciding what course of treatment to follow. During those many months the lining of his heart thickened, hardened, and adhered to the heart muscle, shrinking it to fifty percent of its normal size and working capacity.

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Nightime Fears

My son is going through a hard time at night. He is suffering from typical childhood fears- the dark, noises, zombies. When he suffers, I suffer. He wakes me up and sleeps in my room. He makes lots of noise. I don’t sleep well. It could be easy to be frustrated instead of being patient. But, I know his fears are real to him.

And sometimes, I am afraid and don’t sleep well also.

I’m not afraid of zombies. But, what about bills to be paid? Family members who are sick and may not get well? Fear of failure? Those things often keep me awake at night.

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My Daily Choices

This summer, my husband, kids and I attended our annual family reunion on my husband’s mom’s side of the family. My husband’s grandparents gather us there together every year. Each year, we play a game to help us understand and remember Grandpa and Grandma’s background and the decisions they made to get them where they are today. Many of those decisions included Grandpa’s proposal to Grandma (despite the fact that she was engaged to someone else), the cars they bought, and what led them to sell the dairy farm they owned for many years. (Many more family secrets that I shall not divulge :))

One of the things that struck me this year is that we all were sitting there in that room because of their choices.

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Thankful for His Word…

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” Psalms 119:105 NIV

One writing weekend away from home, I woke up at 8:30 am and switched on the TV to see what I was missing at home not having cable. I settled on a political news program about the anniversary of Katrina. After heating up my breakfast sandwich in the microwave, I turned on my computer anticipating a peaceful writing morning.

I started by reaching for the Gideon’s Bible in the hotel drawer.

I assumed it would be there, and it was.

I read a couple of Psalms, but my mind was distracted.

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Big Mouth, Part 2

My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. James 1:19 NIV

A few days ago, I shared with you a few things about having a Big Mouth. If you haven’t had a chance to stop by and read it, you can click here to read it first.

I’m so glad you came back to finish talking about this. I know, I know; it’s a touchy subject, but if you are like me, then it is something that is a lifelong learning process.

The hard part is that

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Seasons of the heart

Seasons change.

Life changes.

The past year has been one of many changes for my family. We’ve suffered two deaths, weathered the acceptance of Aspergers, tackled new job responsibilities, and continued with our plans to create our dream home in the piney woods of East Texas next year.

Life is changing, that much is for sure, and I’m working hard to accept each new change with the grace and dignity He would have me to. Change is like turning a page on a fresh book…and each new chapter is beckoning me, calling my name. 

The thing is, change doesn’t always feel so great.

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It’s A Boy!

We are so very excited to have another grandson on the way. I have been teased many times for having been blessed with excessive amounts of the “mom” gene. I may be slightly little people addicted. Maybe it is a blessing that we struggled with secondary infertility or our home may have looked like the shoe in which that little old lady lived! LOL

This is a first baby for our firstborn. She is experiencing firsthand the miracle of Psalm 139:

You made my whole being; you formed me in my mother’s body. 
 I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way. 

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