Hello friend, thanks for joining me today! I love children & I love dogs so when I came across this little video it actually inspired me to write this post. Would you take five to watch & then come back so we can chat about the word BELIEVE?
CLICK HERE TO WATCH: “Daisy the Pup who Believed”
Can you imagine what Daisy’s life would have been like, had there not been someone believing in her, teaching her how to believe in herself & helping her on her journey?
Being the Step-Mamma to a beautiful, very {very} active six-year old little boy, I was both convicted & encouraged by Daisy’s story, because it serves as a reminder of the importance of believing in the child(ren) God places in my life & teaching them to believe in themselves.
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“What I do you cannot do; but what you do, I cannot do. The needs are great, and none of us, including me, ever do great things. But we can all do small things, with great love, and together we can do something wonderful.” ~Mother Theresa
There is a Holly bush in our backyard. It, along with its mate, holds a prime spot on our lawn. Both have been here longer than I. The male overlooks the female, in a protective posture in close proximity, a bit taller in stature while she, hovers low and wide to the ground, as if to bow hospitably to welcome the little creatures who linger here.
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Oh Mama, you know you’ve asked a hundred times. And then hundred more. Did you brush your teeth, make your bed, feed the dog, put on socks, eat breakfast. The list of things we are afraid they will forget to do without prompting can seem endless. And it is.
Are we asking them if they prayed? If they did their devotionals?
This morning I wondered if God feels the same way when He is trying reach through the noise to my heart.
My child, did you pray first? Did you remember Ruth, or Abigail, or Tabitha? My child , did you slow down enough to see Me in your own child?
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In a recent conversation in the office, we were laughing that no matter how many times we proof a document, it seems a typo or error will be found just after the e-mail has been sent or 1,000 copies have been printed.
“I always wonder what mistake I’ll be remembered for,” someone remarked. Light-heartedly, I said, “We are not defined by our mistakes.”
But, as I walked away I kept thinking about it. Isn’t that something we all need to be reminded of?
We are not defined by our mistakes.
Yes, some can be real doozies, and some mistakes are remembered for quite a while.
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On most days I am the mother of a miniature super hero, he flies or runs around the house as Batman, Hulk, Iron Man, or Superman and the other day my little super hero called me Super-Mom after I helped him with something. It was one of those moments that you could feel it, the words. The power of words coming from the one of the smallest little people in your life. It made me smile and it made me think.
What makes a mom super?
- Is it her ability to multi task and jungle her daily duties?
- Is it the way she is always in a good mood and ready to please?
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Those more crafty than me (which doesn’t take much) say knitting is easy. They say it involves two basic stitches, and the stitches can be used in many and various ways depending on the end product desired. This means there is a lot of uniqueness and variety that can come from just those two basic stitches.
Without carrying the analogy too far but at least admitting the somewhat obvious connection, creating a person is also easy. Like knitting, it involves two basic “stitches” so to speak, and these elements develop into unique individuals of great variety.
This act of creation speaks just to our physical selves, and we’re so much more than the physical.
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I’m teaching a series at my church on the Gospel of John. Chapter 20 opens with the frantic scene at the tomb. The women had returned with burial spices to prepare Jesus’ body, except there was no body. They alert the disciples, who are equally puzzled.
This verse struck me:
Then the disciples went back to their homes,
but Mary stood outside the tomb crying.
~John 20:10-11a (niv)
The men left, perhaps fearing the arrival of angry authorities. My personal suspicion, based on 26 years with my husband and 23 years raising a son, is that the men weren’t sure what else to do.
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Jesus, who is He? Who is He to me?
Those are the questions I have been asking myself a lot recently. I understand the Trinity in the sense that God is three in one: The Father, The Son (Jesus) and The Holy Spirit but it is still a very complicated concept that definitely requires God’s help to understand.
What works best for me is to break them up. God the Father, created Heaven and Earth, Jesus is the son of God who left His throne in Heaven to save us all from sin and The Holy Spirit is what lives inside of us acting as our new conscience from God once we accept Christ into our hearts.
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