Parenting has the tendency to threaten our peace with fear, doesn’t it?
There are several ways the enemy can plant seeds of fear into our head, threatening to sink deep into our heart & destroy the peace that Jesus provides.
- Fear of Failure as a Parent/Step Parent
- Fear that our child(ren) will reject Jesus
- Fear that our finances will collapse
- Fear that our child(ren) will get sick or hurt
- Fear that we’ll damage our children somehow
Fear is ugly
The Holy Spirit brings 2 Timothy 1:7 to mind, and two words jump out at me:
Sound Mind
I’ve been reading through Bonnie Gray’s book Finding Spiritual Whitespace, as well as blogging my way through my personal Journey to Rest.
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Ever have days, when life is beyond overwhelming? When there’s too many tasks & people needing you “right now” and the most important things in your life seem to be suffocating beneath the towel you’re contemplating throwing in!?
Parenting is HARD; step-parenting is harder, and sometimes I honestly feel like throwing in the towel & running for cover!
After a recent {very} difficult weekend with my stepson, my husband & I were left feeling completely defeated & powerless. When working with my husbands ex to raise their son, we have come to the tough realization that we will never be on the same page with her; she will always fight us and we will always be, as she ‘lovingly’ calls us, “The Nazi’s!”
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Do you live your life in a constant state of go-go-go?
Hurrying from here, to get to there??
Hurrying from this task, to take on a new task?
I’ll admit it-I’m guilty!
I’m a multitasking person & I love having a variety of things on my plate; keeps things lively & interesting for me!
However, with every blessing comes great responsibility and while I enjoy “lively & interesting”, it’s important for me to realize that I have a little one tagging along, desperately trying to keep up. What kind of example am I setting, if I am constantly living in the fast lane & forcing him to run, just to keep up with my fast paced walk?
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Hello friend, thanks for joining me today! I love children & I love dogs so when I came across this little video it actually inspired me to write this post. Would you take five to watch & then come back so we can chat about the word BELIEVE?
CLICK HERE TO WATCH: “Daisy the Pup who Believed”
Can you imagine what Daisy’s life would have been like, had there not been someone believing in her, teaching her how to believe in herself & helping her on her journey?
Being the Step-Mamma to a beautiful, very {very} active six-year old little boy, I was both convicted & encouraged by Daisy’s story, because it serves as a reminder of the importance of believing in the child(ren) God places in my life & teaching them to believe in themselves.
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