I hear voices inside my head.
Not schizophrenic voices, but the kind of self-talk that makes me feel less than. Voices that tell me I’m not good enough, not spiritual enough, not humble enough… That everyone around me succeeds in pleasing God, but that I don’t measure up because I can’t get my act together.
We all hear those accusing voices from time to time, and we often try to drown them out by trying harder.
We strive, adopting personal disciplines such as quiet times, tithing, fasting and serving in one form or another. We pray and read our Bibles and we do good things.
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I’m finding myself in a season where my time is not my own. It’s a glorious time, really, and I’m loving every minute of it.
But I haven’t always enjoyed it.
I’m ashamed to admit it, but I used to get quite aggravated. I’m a Type-A personality who keeps a tight calendar. I resented the interruptions to my schedule, wishing someone else could step in when last minute problems arose.
Oh, I could mask my frustration in a churchy way, but deep down I didn’t feel churchy AT ALL.
Can you identify?
I think a lot of women feel that way from time to time, especially moms.
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November is a month of thankfulness.
All over social media, we see people expressing gratitude for things in their lives. In early November the posts read along the lines of,
“I’m thankful for a warm house, clean clothes, and food on the table.”
As the month goes on, I’ve noticed an interesting trend: the focus narrows. A 30-day gratefulness challenge causes participants to look beyond the obvious and find the more obscure gifts in life.
A random kindness.
A good night’s sleep.
A warm cup of tea.
An attitude of gratitude benefits us in many ways. First and foremost, a grateful mindset honors the Lord.
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Fall is beautiful where I live. The velvety Blue Ridge Mountains have spun the color wheel and landed on warm yellows, oranges and reds.
I’m blessed to live in an area that enjoys all four seasons, and I enjoy watching them come and go.
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:
a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain,
a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.
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I love August. This month usually breezes past us, which is good since those fluttering calendar pages are about the only breeze many of us get. But along with the warm temperatures, August also gives us a glimpse of the fall.
I can hear the marching band practicing at the local high school. The evenings turn cooler. The mountains here in Virginia are lush and green and the weedy undergrowth is fading into fall colors. I enjoy these simple pleasures, and then my mind wanders.
Autumn deadlines, family responsibilities, travel schedules, busy college football weekends, etc.
Like clouds before a summer thunderstorm, these concerns accumulate and darken my mind.
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I’ve noticed a lot of quiet blogs and websites lately, and a good number of inactive social media profiles.
My website has been uncharacteristically quiet the past several months. Between my mom’s passing and my month in the Holy Land, I haven’t had much time (or inspiration) to be online. I manage to post on a couple of sites occasionally, but I decided to give myself some online breathing room this summer.
A lot of us choose to slow down the pace during certain seasons, especially summers. Our homes are chaotic with kids and family, or our schedules are busy with projects and travel.
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I’m currently with my dad in Palestine helping lead a youth sports camp for FCA. I’ve visited Israel several times before, but this is my first extended stay in Bethlehem.
Our hosts are some of the most gracious people I’ve ever met. Hospitality is a big deal in Middle Eastern culture, and I’m learning much about loving and caring for guests. It’s a ministry Jesus didn’t take for granted as He walked these hills and valleys.
There’s nothing on earth like walking where Jesus walked.
But think about this for a minute: because we have the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit – the third Person of the Trinity – Jesus walks everywhere we walk.
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“I honestly wonder if God gives a rip about me,” the young woman mused as she flopped onto the couch. I listened as she gave voice to her honest feelings, and silently begged God for words that would soother her broken heart and convince her that He most certainly does give a rip.
I’m meeting more and more people like her, people whose lives have turned upside down. They read the latest best seller or listen to self-help podcasts or look to Oprah for answers, searching for anything that might heal their brokenness and give them hope for a brighter future.
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