I’m thankful to have:
a place to lay my head each night,
food to eat to begin each day,
water to drink at the turn of a faucet,
a family who loves me,
and a country that allows me to worship God freely.
And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19
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Of all of the blessings in my life, I count my children among the greatest. They bring me so much joy and remind me of His grace on hard days.
Thank you Lord, for Alyssa, first born, full of compassion with a heart to see the wrong things made right.
Thank you Lord for Anthony, beautiful addition to our family, and a perfect compliment to our daughter. You are full of life and full of musical talent.
Thank you Lord for Ryan, faithful and gifted first-born son, with an amazing passion to lead others into the throne room of heaven.
Thank you Lord for Kaylie, beautiful teen girl with a warm smile and contagious laughter, she is a dreamer and a creative soul.
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I admit it.
It is never easy for me to give thanks during trying circumstances. But, in an effort to grow in gratitude, humility, and communion with my Jesus, I attempt to see the blessings in the trials:
*I am thankful for my little monkey of a toddler, flipping over the sides of the couch…because it means he is healthy and curious enough to do it.
*I am thankful for the crumbs, scraps, and dirt that I am sweeping from my faux hardwood floors again today…because it means that little hands were busy creating, and that we had food enough to generate the mess.
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The binding creeks as I open wide. Its golden edges have worn in color, but still glisten in the rising light. And I breathe in deep while opening my heart to receive His whispers through the margins.
For the word of God is alive and active.
Sharper than any double-edged sword,
it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit,
joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12
It took years for me to truly discover the validity of this verse. That His Word written thousands of years ago can still resonate loudly in my soul today.
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Raising my voice, or pressing the keypad seems a bit more accurate, with you my 5 Minutes for Faith Friends, to share 5 Thanksgivings today. So, whatever you want to call the good things that come your way, that sometimes get taken take for granted, missed in the bustle of the day; whether you see them as gifts, blessings or graces- acknowledge them.
I am convinced our God not only loves to gift us daily with surprises along the way, but that He is uniquely creative in his ability to minister powerfully to our deepest needs for beauty, rest, peace and faith.
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The hymn “Great is Thy Faithfulness” really sums up the place of gratitude I come from this year.
Summer and winter, and springtime and harvest,
Sun, moon and stars in their courses above,
Join with all nature in manifold witness
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love.
1) God always shows up–we may not know the exact moment,
but He’s always right on time.
2) No matter how paved and packed our cities may be,
I’m grateful for places of beauty to admire God’s creation.
3) I’m thankful for the daily reminder of the truth,
“I will lift up my eyes to the mountains; from where shall my help come?
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Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church
and gave himself up for her…
~Ephesians 5:25 (NIV)
I’m thankful for FAMILY:
1. Steve, my wonderful husband of 26 years. We’re actually on a little getaway today!
2. Scott and Sarah, my awesome children. I won’t start bragging about them, but suffice it to say those two are BRAG-WORTHY!
3. Monica and Janet, my sweet sisters. And I’m grateful we live within 2 hours of each other!
4. Godly parents and in-laws, all of whom live in the same town with us.
5. Koinonia, our church Life Group. We’ve lived lots of life together, and we truly consider them family.
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“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above.” (James 1:17)
1. Thank You, Lord, for coffee times with my husband,
times we just stop and exist together with no agenda.
2. Thank You for the times waiting to pick up my kids,
times I simply feel grateful to have kids to wait for in the first place.
3. Thank You for a son who likes to get me plain potato chips instead of something for himself,
just because he knows they’re my favorite treat.
4. Thank you for a son who enjoys sitting on my lap and holding my hand,
even though he’s a teenager and mom isn’t cool anymore.
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