“Behold He makes all things new.” Rev.21:5
At the age of twenty-seven, my life was far from where I had planned for it to be. Divorced, single mommy to two babies under the age of four…this wasn’t the happily ever after, fairy tale ending to the story I’d dreamed of for myself.
After my twelve hour shift, on my way home with my little ones strapped into their car seats, I remember just how dark my life had gotten. Driving the steep windy roads I kept thinking to myself that making a hard right turn off the narrow cliff would surely bring peace to the heartache I had created in our lives.
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Written on
August 17, 2009 by
Amy in
I struggle with lots of things in my life; my weight, certain family relationships, feeling like I’m keeping up with everything that needs to be done, but there are some days these things are OK. I am at peace with them, and it doesn’t feel like a constant battle. However, the one thing I am always fighting against is the sense of helplessness and loss of control over my son’s seizures. It’s always nagging at the back of my mind. I’m always questioning, will he have a seizure today? If so, will we go to the hospital? Should we change his meds?
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I love the Psalms and the way that they’re so honest. So applicable. I love the way that they show so clearly a wide range of emotions and situations—joy, heartache, celebration, grief, health, sickness, faith, doubt, and many more.
No matter what you’re going through, or what you’re feeling, you can always find a Psalm that applies.
This past week, I was at a conference, away from home. One of the nights that I was there, I had a nightmare. I woke up frightened, heart pounding, and was instantly thankful that it had all only been a dream.
But as I tried to go back to sleep, a lingering feeling from the nightmare remained and left me feeling tense and worried.
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I am a garden fanatic. I love to buy plants. Come to think about it, maybe I am just a shopping fanatic and flowers are just a pretty outlet. Anyway, my garden is kind of my baby and each year I go to the garden center to find many flowers to fill my empty soil. This year I planted all kinds of things like morning glories, verbena, zinnia and lots of herbs. They are all just gorgeous and the smell of the herbs is amazing.
I work from home part time, home school one of my kids and do all of my mom/wife duties from my house so basically I see my house like a big work pit!
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I am a woman often controlled by my feelings. Can anyone else relate? There are times when I feel overwhelmed; I feel lonely; I feel unappreciated. And, unfortunately, those around me often have to live with my feelings. I am not one to suffer in silence.
It is easy to start feeling some of these things, when I let myself get bogged down in the situations around me. I am busy with children and school and church activities, so I feel overwhelmed. My friends are busy, and we can’t get together, so I feel lonely. I stay at home and do housework and take care of children.
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Written on
August 11, 2009 by
Mary in
We just returned to “Sunny California” from a trip to the Northwest. Typically known for wealth of drizzly weather, our visit was anything but. We actually had the dubious honor of visiting during a week where records were smashed all over the place. No, not the obscene, vinyl, music-laden discs of my youth, but the kinds of records that can make a meteorologists’ year. I don’t think there was any record relating to high heat that wasn’t broken.
We conducted many of our activities in the shade to escape the direct frying that was taking place, but I learned that yes, you actually can get sunburned even in the shade.
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God is exalted in his power. Who is a teacher like him? Job 36:22 NIV
Whirrr went the electric pencil sharpener as I sharpened forty-eight new pencils to dance across pages of white. Each child sat before me with book bags in hand as I called off the items for them to place inside. Book bags packed, new clothes lying out, and lunchboxes waiting to be filled I sent my soon-to-be third grader and Kindergartener upstairs for baths.
As I brushed hair and teeth, I thought it a great time to go over some rules to follow for having a great year.
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Little girls adore crowns. They love to make them. They love to decorate them. They love to wear them. As a mom of three little girls I see evidence of this, especially around my girls’ birthdays. Each one of them wishes to be crowned queen for the day on their birthday. I’m willing to bet there’s a soft side to all of us that would feel honored to have a crown placed upon our heads.
Paul writes to the Corinthians about athletic games, “Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize.
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