“Behold He makes all things new.” Rev.21:5
At the age of twenty-seven, my life was far from where I had planned for it to be. Divorced, single mommy to two babies under the age of four…this wasn’t the happily ever after, fairy tale ending to the story I’d dreamed of for myself.
After my twelve hour shift, on my way home with my little ones strapped into their car seats, I remember just how dark my life had gotten. Driving the steep windy roads I kept thinking to myself that making a hard right turn off the narrow cliff would surely bring peace to the heartache I had created in our lives.
Thankfully, I never made that hard right turn off of the treacherous Crow Canyon Road. I didn’t know it then, but God was already working behind the scenes, making all things new for all of us. He had a lot of work to do to reverse the pain that I had selfishly volunteered us for. Placing a former missionary as my supervisor at work was one of His gifts to me, my best friend inviting me to church with her was another.
Consequences of my sinful life brought me to my knees and closer to Him. In time, I surrendered. Face down on the floor in my house, I gave the Lord my life, weeping with the heartache of a child who has disappointed her loving Father. Yet, overjoyed with the promises I found in His word. “Behold, I make all things new…” Rev.21:5 spoke to the very deepest spot in my heart.
From that moment forward Jesus and I walked hand in hand. Truths revealed in His word made me feel like I was being taught to learn to walk all over again. And through it all, just as he’d promised He was making all things new.
From the ashes of my sinful, self-centered life, I made my hard right turn into His open embrace. I now hold very little resemblance to that twenty-seven year old woman. At forty years old, He has created in me a new heart. Thirteen years later, I am remarried to an amazing godly man. We have four beautiful children and work together raising them up to love and serve the Lord. As the pages of my life gently turn, I know that my fairy tale ending, the one I dreamed of as a little girl is mine. How do I know? Because God told me so. “Behold, He has made all things new.” Rev.21:5
And they lived happily ever after.