As we near Palm Sunday our focus will be on Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem.
We’ll wave palm branches at church and sing Hosanna.
We’ll read about how the needed donkey was handed over simply because the answer was, “The Lord needs it.”
We’ll feel the crowd’s excitement as Matthew, Mark, Luke and John recount the jubilation of that day.
But we might miss a part of the account that only Luke records:
He approached Jerusalem. When he saw the city, he began to sob. He said, “I wish you had known today what would bring you peace! But now it is hidden from your eyes.”
~Luke 19: 41-42
Our Lord so desires for us to look to him for peace that it brings him to tears when we don’t.
It’s a peace that Philippians 4:7 tells us surpasses all understanding.
It’s a peace that only Christ can offer.
Often we struggle to find that peace because, like the people of Jerusalem, it is hidden from our eyes.
Our hearts become bitter and hard as we are battered by life’s storms and we become blind to what Christ offers.
Fear and anxiety overwhelm us when we haven’t learned to leave that at the cross.
Temporary highs from happy moments and good times mask our need for peace, just as that festive Palm Sunday did for the people long ago.
But when the moment is over, the yearning of our hearts for peace still shouts.
Jesus desires for us to know his peace today. Today.
No matter where life has taken you or what difficult road you have walked you can know peace.
What if today…you surrendered your heart to God?
What if today…you let go of bitterness, anger and resentment that hides Christ’s peace from your eyes?
What if today…you walked in the Spirit and let God cultivate peace within you?
Today can be that day you find peace. This is my prayer for you during this Lenten season.
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”
~John 14:27
The thought of Jesus rejected and weeping for those who reject him is enough to make me want to weep. Grateful that he never gives up on his stubborn sheep. And that His peace is available once we relinquish our will for His.
Dawn, from Jesus’ perspective it must be so hard to know you have what people need in life–and they don’t take it. Thanks for commenting.
The peace he has already given may we all simply embrace it more! Shalom!