As we near Palm Sunday our focus will be on Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem.
We’ll wave palm branches at church and sing Hosanna.
We’ll read about how the needed donkey was handed over simply because the answer was, “The Lord needs it.”
We’ll feel the crowd’s excitement as Matthew, Mark, Luke and John recount the jubilation of that day.
But we might miss a part of the account that only Luke records:
He approached Jerusalem. When he saw the city, he began to sob. He said, “I wish you had known today what would bring you peace! But now it is hidden from your eyes.”
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Every February it hits me. The mid-winter slump.
Maybe you call it cabin fever or the winter blahs.
Whatever you call it makes us feel the same: unmotivated, a bit down, sleepy and dreaming of spring.
When the slump hits, I start browsing websites for Florida, the Bahamas, Hawaii…I plan a winter vacation knowing full well that I will not be walking on warm beaches or attending a luau.
I’m not going to those places because as a nursing student it’s not in the monetary or time budget right now. But it’s nice to think I might someday.
And so winter drags on.
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