Written on
September 8, 2012 by
Kris in

No one is ever ready when I would like them to be. Around here, when I say, “get your shoes on, it’s time to go” I’m often met with grumbling, or a frantic race through the house for that something to bring along in the car. It doesn’t seem to matter that I gave a five minute warning, or that I’m already standing at the door with purse and keys in hand–nobody’s ready, and so until they are prepared for action, we’re not going anywhere.
The other day as I read 1 Peter 1, I noticed this little line, that though I’ve read it before, didn’t leap out at me until that day–
Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self‑controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed.
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Written on
September 5, 2012 by
Nikki in
They share the common armrest, leaning in close to exchange childlike whispers. Soon the adult daughter rises to check with the nurses. I catch the wristband-clad mother smile so wide she tears as she watches her child handle the hard with dignity. Wearing pride so radiant it nearly washes away the lines of worry.
Later I witness the same daughter leaving the doctor-assigned room with tears of knowledge. Dignity still in hand as she proclaims “At least we know. We’ll get through this.”
And I want to tell her mother: All she has poured into her daughter shows. She has every right to pool joy from her eyes while she watches the roles transform.
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Hear the sound of my life — let it be a sweet, sweet sound. The worship song that my eldest beauty left for me to hear plays these words in the background while I shuffle around the empty kitchen. It doesn’t take much. Just a moment of quiet and these words to bring me to a place of surrender. I desire to live well for the Master.
I reflect back on the last few days of this week, even the last few hours of this day. My sound was far from sweet. I allowed frustration to replace the words I speak to my husband and children, words that should be filled with grace.
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This Summer, my 12 year old daughter reminded me of a promise I made to her when she was 10 years old.
“In the Summer before I go to 7th grade, you said I could wear makeup.”
How could she forget? I had the same rule with her older sister.
Oh be still my heart. My youngest daughter, who already seems so mature for her age, was about to embark on a new adventure.
As a mom of daughters, it is important that I teach them what God says about beauty. I tell them that true beauty comes from within and that this is the only beauty that truly matters to God.
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