Monthly Archives: June 2009

Life is Fragile, Handle with Care

Psalm 39:5-6

“…Each man’s life is but a breath.
Man is a mere phantom as he goes to and fro;
He bustles about, but only in vain…”

Boy was I reminded of that verse this week. Last Wednesday, when I was out watering flowers in our front yard, I slipped on the wet concrete and fell.

And broke my arm.

It was the first broken bone I’ve ever had. And, aside from the pain and the inconvenience of it, the experience was a good reminder of how fast things can happen in life.

And how quickly things can change.

Just a couple of hours earlier, I had been at the park talking to friends, waiting for my kids to get out of school.

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A Light Unto My Path

Psalm 119:105 Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. (NIV)

Often when I am traveling through the dark streets at night to return to my home in the country, I am struck by the overwhelming darkness around me. Far away from the city, there are few street lights, and the light from my headlights often seems small and insignificant in the deep darkness.

But, as I drive that light goes before me, lighting only the road immediately in front of me. The light shines just on the part of the road I need to see right now.

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Learn by (not) Doing

“Watch your fingers,” I warned my 3 year old just before I closed the back of the minivan. He pulled them away from where they were resting above the taillight.

I gave the hatch a shove and quick as a flash, he stuck his hand right back in! Of course I couldn’t catch the door before it mashed his fingers, and then I was torn between wanting to scoop him up as he screamed and needing to find the door release to free his poor squished digits.

Thankfully, he’d chosen the space on the car with the biggest clearance and a good bit of weatherstripping that cushioned the blow.

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More Than We Deserve

He does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him… Psalm 103:10-11 NIV

At the counter we stood waiting, peering through the glass while selecting just the right treasure. Both of my children wore frowns. Faith had 12 tickets, and she needed 15 for the Laffy Taffy her heart desired. Colin had his eye set on an Atomic Fireball and was 2 tickets shy. My husband tried unsuccessfully to talk Faith into giving Colin 2 tickets and choosing something for 10 instead.

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