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Whoever is wise, let him heed these things and consider the great love of the LORD. (Psalm 107:43)

Sometimes God takes drastic measures to get our attention. Other times he just uses the ordinary daily things. This time, in my case he used a pickle to remind me that He loves me, is merciful and prefers I learn to yield to Him. Always.

It was close to ten in the evening. I remembered that there was supposed to be a “Super-moon“. Actually my dear hub reminded me. Of course, I wanted to run right down to the beach. Even though it was a bit cloudy. We are so close. I plead my case to the hub, who wants to head to bed…the “grumbling” in my heart begins. I ask my girl, who on second thought, decides she wants to squeeze in five more minutes of screen time over heading to the beach at ten PM with Mom. Mom starts to complain within. Soon enough, without. But first I grab the last pickle in the dish on the counter from dinner. As I come down the hall to give them both a piece of my mind, I find myself choking. Really, choking in the way that everyone (except my preoccupied daughter engaged in her tiny screen world) would normally consider a potential Heimlich moment.

Have you ever been pickled before? 

You know, like when you know you should just shut-up, but your mouth betrays your heart and mind? Suddenly I am preaching in my mind about the injustices of the reality of my family’s lack of spontaneity and how I am the only one who gets it. God is still dealing with me and my Pious Platitude, as I groan and grow in grace. In the meantime, I am sporting horns, pitchfork and tail as I spout forth holier than thou words (which escape me now- but I assure you they were filled with “righteousness”, ahem), excuse me I’m just about to adjust my halo…
enter CHOKING.

Fortunately, God chose not to completely take me out as I really would prefer not to enter into His presence and exit this life through the means of a pickle. But, one never knows. Truly I was dealt with mercifully.

And I lived to tell the tale.

Remember these three things and be truly wise:
1. Halos are for children in Christmas pageants and really, you don’t have one. Even when you think you do.
2. A “Super -Moon” is cool but a Mom who is super gracious is way better.
3. If you see a lonely pickle lying on a plate, walk away. Quietly. Zip. The. Lips.

“We serve a gracious Master who knows how to overrule even our mistakes to His glory and our own advantage” -John Newton

Dawn Paoletta is a writer who is finally coming out of the closet and following her dream to share her life lessons and insights with anyone who will listen. Recently laid up with a muscular injury has temporarily curtailed her career in fitness allowing her the golden opportunity needed to reorder her priorities and shift her focus to blogging her greatest passions: Living out her faith as a modern day disciple of Jesus Christ and enjoying spending time with her husband, daughter and family pets. She likes to serve up spiritual lessons learned with authenticity, grace and truth. You can find Dawn at Beneath the Surface: Breath of Faith and Fitness For The Fainthearted.

8 Responses to Pickled
  1. Kimberly
    June 12, 2012 | 6:53 am

    Oh, my. I definitely get this! I was just thanking the Lord this past week for keeping me from saying some things to loved ones that I did not need to say. I can’t remember how He intervened at this moment. It wasn’t by pickle. LOL. But He definitely saved me from myself!

    Thanks for sharing! And LOVE that last quote.

    • Dawn
      June 12, 2012 | 9:58 am

      Kimberly, I’m still learning but grateful that He is willing to teach me… even when it is humbling. Especially then.

  2. Nikki
    June 12, 2012 | 3:25 pm

    Oh my! I couldn’t decide if I should laugh or throw a pity party, but I opted to nod in agreement instead. And if you were here, I’d be giving you a hug.

    You reminded me of “You’ve Got Mail” where Meg Ryan wishes she could utter those words that cut deep. I’m like her character. I can never manage to say them, but that doesn’t mean my family doesn’t feel the daggers I give with one look!
    ; )

    I’m going to write down that verse and ponder it awhile…thank you, Dawn!

    • Dawn
      June 12, 2012 | 10:21 pm

      Oh, Nikki- I am smiling with you and returning a hug …at least a cyber one! I love that movie, anyway!

  3. Sharon O
    June 12, 2012 | 4:12 pm

    I did that one time while driving in my car, eating carrots and not paying attention. I thought I would die right there in my car from a chunk of carrot. gadd… learned that lesson well.
    So glad you survived, maybe next time it can be a bowl of olives they might be safer.

    • Dawn
      June 12, 2012 | 10:23 pm

      Ha! Maybe cheese. But wither way…when God wants to teach us a lesson, it’s less risky to just get it sooner rather than later. He is faithful!

  4. Rene
    June 14, 2012 | 7:03 pm

    what a great read. i learned never to eat a pickle when i’m about to yell at someone lol 🙂 lovely blog.

    • Dawn
      June 26, 2012 | 7:09 pm

      Rene, thanks for reading and visiting my blog! I caught this comment late but glad you learned a lesson from my…ahem, little mishap! 😉