As I slowly begin to pack away all that is Christmas, my thoughts move towards the coming year. It will be a year full of promise, full of life, full of dreams come true. How do I know this? Because God delights to give me good gifts. The new year and all that it holds has already been written. It’s just up to me to walk forward with confidence, laying hold of the promises that He has already prepared for me.
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. (James 1:17)
Perhaps 2011 has been a hard year for you. I know so many who have lost loved ones, whose children have been diagnosed with life-threatening illnesses, and others who are struggling just to keep their marriages alive. I understand seasons of heartache. But God, the One who is the same yesterday, today and forever, He does not change. Even when life seems to fall apart, when it takes everything out of you just to breathe, when you want to crawl under a rock and say, “I quit”, He does not change. His steadfast love for you remains the same.
If you have struggled this year my friend, will you look up today? Will you look into the eyes of hope? For hope is wrapped up in the babe that was born in the most humbleness of fashion. He whose life we just celebrated, He is the giver of hope. And just because we pack away the things that mean Christmas to us, it does not mean that we lose the hope of what Christmas is. For that hope remains fully alive in our hearts. For God sent His son, that we might fully live.
I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. (John 10:10b ESV)
God’s desire for you in the coming year is to live an abundant life. To live a life filled with hope and promise. Perhaps this year you have not seen the revelation of hope and promise in your life. Perhaps you find yourself walking through the wilderness, grasping for hope. Do you believe that He wants to prosper you, in all your ways? He has already begun a new work, and He promises to make a path for you through the wilderness and to give you not just water, but rivers, overflowing with His goodness. He is faithful to finish what He started.
For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland. (Isaiah 43:19)
I challenge you to walk forward my friend. Take the hand of the One who will never leave you, the One who loves you the most, the One who desires that you live an abundant, joy-filled life and walk. Maybe you can’t walk right now. If not, then reach up your arms and allow Him to pick you up and carry you. Perhaps you will only find the strength to lean, but you can lean on Him. Before you know it, you will be walking, closing the door on 2011, and embracing all of the hope and promise that awaits you in 2012.
Beautifully written Barbie! I think 2011 is the year I really started to walk in God’s promises for me. It’s hard to think 2012 will hold even more promise, but God’s promises are never ending! What an awesome, loving God we have!!
God bless you, my friend,
Thank you Laura!
Perfect for me today Barbie! Thank you so much! It made me realize that maybe the reason I keep hitting brick walls lately is because I am obsessed with looking back behind me rather than ahead with hope!
Bless you!