Be very careful, then, how you liveānot as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:15-16
I often find myself in the whirl of days wishing time would pass more quickly. When summer comes, the weather will be nicer and it will be easier to get outside and exercise. When fall comes, we’ll get on a better schedule and I’ll get more done. When the kids get older, I can spend more time in ministry. When the week is over and it is the weekend, I’ll feel more rested. Before I know it, I’m wishing my time away. Weeks pass into months and seasons change, and often I have missed the opportunities that I had because I was waiting until a better time.
When I was young, I loved the motto Carpe Diem- Seize the Day. And, in a way, that motto is very Biblical. Paul reminds us in Ephesians to make the most of every opportunity, living wisely. The King James version calls it “redeeming the time.”
I need to remember to make the most of opportunity that God gives me today. I don’t need to wait until just the right moment comes along because that moment may not come. I am to follow God’s leading today, right now. Seize the day!
What a great quote…………..I am really working on being content with what I have and am. Praise the Lord for His timing!