Serving An Unchanging God

Awhile back I was really frustrated with my husband. We were outside in the yard and I honestly cannot remember what I was mad at him about (I’m sure it was huge at the time, but probably petty in the big scheme of things) but I said, “You know you are a lot like God.” He looked at me and I could tell he was kind of puffed up at the thought of being like God. I said, “Yeah, you are a lot like God because you never change!” We laugh at this moment now, but at that point I was not laughing. Can you relate?

The part that is true in that statement is that God never changes.

Malachi 3:6 says
“I the LORD do not change. So you, O descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed.”

All of the circumstances and people around us change . . . our jobs, our kids, our world and even our spiritual walk at times. Just yesterday I found out that my job of four years is not the direction that I need to be heading. God has redirected my path to a new career and honestly I am scared to death.

The Lord is definitely not in the business of leaving us comfortable and independent. He wants us to be totally dependent on Him and why wouldn’t we want to be? His will is perfect. He and His will really are the only things in life that are perfect and unchanging. He is the only one that we can truly count on. But God and His purpose remains the same. God never changes. His mood does not change with the wind (like mine). We never have to wonder what He thinks about things or people. He is always loving and compassionate!

So, since we serve an unchanging God, guess who has to change? Yes, we have to be the ones to change. Jesus speaks in Matthew 18:3

I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

The reason we have to change is so that we can enter the Kingdom of Heaven, as well as, become conformed to His perfect image. He has to use our circumstances to make us more like Him. (Romans 8:29)

So the next time I am frustrated with my husband, I am going to try to remember, there’s hope, the only one who can stay the same is God. 🙂 May our unchanging God, whom we serve, bless your life today.

2 Responses to Serving An Unchanging God
  1. TomPier
    May 4, 2010 | 5:53 am

    great post as usual!

  2. Ray
    June 18, 2010 | 1:52 am

    It is so frustrating when my Hubby doesn’t seem to be “changing”. This made me think of the similarity of God’s timing and my Husband timing. Both being different then mine. I find it hard to understand either.