As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:9 NIV
“You have got to be kidding me,” my husband vented his frustration with the car in front of us doing a snail’s pace. We pulled up to the stoplight, and I read the tag GRAMMY*. “Well, it’s a grandma,” I explained to him. “Yeah, well she needs to at least go the speed limit,” he responded.
I sat back listening to the music, just happy we weren’t late for church, but I could feel my husband getting more and more frustrated with poor ole’ Grams. At one point, I thought she was going to stop in the middle of the road, and even I let out a sigh. She was certainly not in a hurry. Each turn we needed to make, she did, too. I began to wonder, God why is this lady soooo slow? I thought of reasons she could have been in our path.
Sometimes God throws a Grammy in the road to slow us down a bit. My best friend had a Grammy thrown in her road when she tried to deliver her last child. She went into labor and quickly learned there were complications getting the baby out. She needed a c-section. Every time it seemed the path opened for her to deliver the baby without surgery, there was another “Grammy” in the road. In the end, she delivered a healthy baby boy by c-section. Later she learned she could have suffered a complete abruption had the baby been born the natural way. Her life would have been in danger. God blocked that path because He and He alone knew the bigger picture.
Have you had a Grammy thrown in your path lately? Instead of beeping your horn and getting angry, try thinking about some of the reasons God might be slowing you down. Give thanks to the Almighty Father who sees things we can’t. Praise God for the Grammys.
*License plate changed to protect an innocent Grandma.
what a great way of putting it. i’ll be on the lookout for grammys and try to seek what it is God is trying to tell me rather than throwing my hands up in frustration. thank you.
I was just having a similar conversation this weekend with a friend. God provides, guides AND protects. Sometimes we forget the last one when the provision doesn’t seem to be supplied on our time line or the guidance seems to have us at a stand still! Both could actually be protection…and we have to wait and see the end of the story to find out! Love the Grammy reference 🙂
Thanks again for a great devotion! That verse has been on my mind lately….thanks for such a good example of how God’s plans are always better.
You’re right there is so many times that God puts things in our way so that we can slow down and smell the roses. Everyone is in such a hurry these days that we all need to slow down a little. By the way, how’s your grandma doing?
I love this, Carol! My MIL is known as Grammy but she drives a Miata. :>)
Love the analogy!