Hollywood Needs Jesus Too

While enjoying my Sunday afternoon- iced tea in one hand, newspaper in the other, I stumbled across an interview with actor Shia LaBeouf. If you have children you might remember him as the star from the Transformers or Holes movies. His interview left me feeling pretty sad.

At 23 years old he is at the top of the fame and fortune mountain and has every material thing possible for happiness. Yet, he was quoted as saying, “I don’t handle fame well. Most actors on most days don’t think they’re worthy.” LaBeouf says. “I have no idea where this insecurity comes from but it’s a God-sized hole. If I knew, I’d fill it and I’d be on my way.”

It reminded me of how we are all born with a hole in our hearts. Some fill the hole with material things like money or clothes, the perfect house, the perfect job. While others attempt to fill their hole with food or alcohol, busyness, education, exercise and of course their spouse or child. You name it, people have tried everything to fill it – coming up empty no matter what they try. LaBeouf said it right the first time. It’s a God-sized hole.

God says in His word we are all born with eternity in our hearts (Eccl. 3:11). Which means we are born already hard-wired to ask the questions; “Who made me? Why am I here? What is my purpose?” A gentle homing beacon, if you will, pointing us back to our Creator, our God. And because He loves us so much, He added the gift of free will. God is the perfect gentleman, never forcing us to follow. He wants us to love Him. If He were to force a relationship with us it wouldn’t be love.

Before I became a Christian I attempted and failed many times to fill the hole in my own heart. I am surrounded by people everyday, both friends and family, trying their hardest to fill their hole themselves. You’d never hear them say they need the Lord. Their pride wouldn’t allow it. If you asked they would tell you they are just fine, seeming like they have all the answers. They try and act real smart and overeducated that way. Yet, their anxieties, insecurities, and chaos-filled lives give them away everytime. They want to live the life they want to, no questions asked.

I can relate. I’ve been there. But, it’s still sad to watch. We are born with the fingerprints of God all over us. Yet, we look to anyone or anything else for fulfillment.

I make no apology for my great disdain of all things Hollywood. I look for answers about my faith, my politics and how to be a wife and raise up a family from God’s Word and His eternal perspective – not Oprah, Jon & Kate Plus Eight, or Bono.

We share with our children from time to time how the glitz and the glamor of Hollywood are all smoke and mirrors covering up Godless lives. So, I look forward to reading actor LaBeouf’s honest thoughts on Tinsel Town with my teenage daughter today. Confirming once again what her father and I have tried to convey for years. LaBeouf said it perfectly, “The good actors are all screwed up. They’re all in pain. It’s a profession of bottom-feeders and heartbroken people.”

I’d have to agree but take it even one step further. Everyone is in pain without God. But isn’t that where Jesus spent His time here on earth…with bottom-feeders and heartbroken people?

Someone needs to let Shia LaBeouf know that.

“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” Eccl. 3:11

2 Responses to Hollywood Needs Jesus Too
  1. Julie
    June 23, 2009 | 11:29 am

    Great post! I think about this a lot. When Britney Spears was making headlines a while back, I just wanted everyone to rally around her and pray for her – same for John & Kate today.
    Unfortunately, I have to say that I’ve grown up really enjoying everything pop culture. Lately, as I’ve grown in my walk, I’ve been struggling with this. I even blogged about it recently.
    Thanks for the insights.

  2. Mozi Esmes Mommy
    June 25, 2009 | 4:27 am

    Wow – he hit it right on the head with “God-sized.”