Monthly Archives: October 2014

Because Sometime you Have to Walk Scared

One of my dearest friends was on the platform and one sentence she said in her message changed my life.

“Sometimes you have to do it scared.”

Almost every time I have said yes to God I’ve had to do it scared.
Scared of the “what if’s.”
What if I’m wrong?
What if I fail?
What if I succeed?
What if I totally mess everything up?
What if this is more than I can handle?

During my last two pregnancies I wasn’t a happy pregnant person.
In fact, it was one of the most difficult times in my life.
I fell into a pit of depression and sadness.

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God is good, All the time


Sometimes you don’t know why the Lord is calling you to read a particular book in the bible. In recent months I felt like God wanted me to know the gospel from John – like a pro! Not sure if I am a professional anything, maybe with God’s grace and mercy I am a decent writer but I am not a theologian or bible scholar by any means! But God is good. He speaks to everyone through his Word, especially those who seek after him with their whole heart (Jeremiah 29-13, You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.)

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When the Waiting Gets to Be Too Hard

Psalm 62.5I remember as a child waiting in anticipation for my birthday or for Christmas to arrive. Time moved slowly and the waiting dragged on forever.

As an adult, that time moves much more quickly. It seems like Christmas is around the corner again before last year’s gifts are put away. And birthdays…well, each one is not quite as exciting anymore. The anticipated wait doesn’t drag anymore. Now it flies by.

Waiting for the calendar page to turn—that’s not so hard. Unless time ends, one month will flow into the next, guaranteed.

But waiting on God? It. Is. Hard. Some days waiting on God feels impossible.

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