Hello my friends! I can happily announce that I am now officially Mrs. Laura Allard 🙂 I was married to my husband Rock last month and it was the most beautiful day of my life. May God have all the glory!
As a newly married woman, my husband and I are striving to keep God at the center of our marriage. Even for a couple who’s foundation is based on Jesus, it is still hard to stay focused on God’s Kingdom. With the newness of everything about being married (down to the redecorating the house with all of our new gadgets) we still must make time for the One who matters most.
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I find myself yelling at my girl-child far too often. And so, the only way I can combat this rising tide, the only way I know to stop a raging tongue and troubled spirit, is Truth. With a capital T.
So I’m going through the Proverbs and I am writing out every verse, every word on patience, on anger, on a wayward tongue.
And wouldn’t you know, before my eyes crawl over any of the above, I am pierced by Proverbs 3:3 … “Let not mercy and truth forsake you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.”
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My husband loves his motorcycle and I love to join him on the back and fly around our picturesque country roads.
The freedom of getting out of the house and enjoying the beauty of God’s creation always gives me a sense that all is right in my world. As I sit behind my husband, I often find myself smiling and worshiping God as we point out the beautiful sights we discover in our area. I talk to God and thank Him for His goodness to us.
One day while we roamed the countryside I heard a very quick and clear sentence from God that messed me up a lot.
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A Bible Scholar I am not, but as these eyes stare up at me in wide-eyed wonder, oh how I wish I were. Their question’s simple, yet after decades of claiming its truth, I still struggle with explaining it plainly. In a way these childlike hearts could understand. I’m over-thinking it, clearly, as it shouldn’t be that difficult. I cling to grace each day. Surely I can explain what it means to a group of 5 year-olds.
Her heart-shaped sequins glisten as she reiterates the question:
“So what does grace mean, anyway?”
I feel like a deer in headlights as I stare back at her long lashes and find myself quoting Romans 5:8 without really realizing why.
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How do you see Him?
Pleading and praying in the Garden of Gethsemane?
Broken and bleeding on the cross?
Preaching and teaching followers on a hillside?
Being baptized in the Jordan River?
As an almost teen, amazing teachers in the Temple?
Forgiving and giving hope to a Samaritan woman?
In the street triumphantly entering Jerusalem past cheering crowds?
Welcoming and blessing playful children?
Defending a women from stones aimed to kill?
Surrounded by hurting ill people waiting for miracles?
Toppling tables in the Temple courtyard?
Greeting Mary Magdeline as she weeps near the empty tomb?
Laughing with friends at the Wedding in Cana?
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