Interruptions and Good Works (Blog Hop)

I’m finding myself in a season where my time is not my own. It’s a glorious time, really, and I’m loving every minute of it.

But I haven’t always enjoyed it.

Stressed woman thinkingI’m ashamed to admit it, but I used to get quite aggravated. I’m a Type-A personality who keeps a tight calendar. I resented the interruptions to my schedule, wishing someone else could step in when last minute problems arose.

Oh, I could mask my frustration in a churchy way, but deep down I didn’t feel churchy AT ALL.

Can you identify?

I think a lot of women feel that way from time to time, especially moms. We’re the ones who know where everything is in the house. We have a pretty good idea how much money is (or isn’t) in the bank. We have doctor’s numbers, know medical histories and can list everyone’s drug allergies.

We know things and people need us.

But they not only need our knowledge; they also need our attention and our patience. Jesus taught His followers,

John 15-13

Not many of us will be called to lay down our lives for anyone, but nearly all of us will be called to lay down our schedules from time to time. To lay down our plans or our preferences. Our natural response might be to flinch, but …

What if we instead looked at interruptions in a different light:
As the good works He’s prepared for us that day (Eph 2:10)?

Jesus’ life was filled with interruptions, but He told His followers that He only did what He saw the Father doing. That included interruptions: stopping to talk with a hemorrhaging woman, going out of His way to visit a sick friend, spending a little extra time with someone hurting.

I’m learning that good works aren’t always the big ministry opportunities. Each day He prepares good works for me to do, and most of them will never find its slot on my schedule.

What unscheduled good works has the Lord prepared for you recently?

Photo Credit: Image courtesy of stockimages, Free Digital

And now it’s time to join the Faith ‘N Friends Blog Hop

Top Posts from Week #2

The Opportunity of This Moment by Ginger Harrington @ Ginger’s Corner

Do Not Be Overwhelmed by Laura Rath @ Journey in Faith

Of Interruptions, Plans, and Waiting by Joanne Viola @Days & Thoughts

Thanks to everyone to shared a link!

Welcome to the Faith ‘N Friends Blog Hop #3
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This is a place to share faith, make friends, and have fun.
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5 Minutes for Faith

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5 Responses to Interruptions and Good Works (Blog Hop)
  1. Joanne Viola
    February 7, 2015 | 7:06 am

    Sitting here editing a post & the computer “pings”. I was so surprised to see it was to let me know my post was being mentioned in such good company. Thank you so much for the most pleasant surprise this morning! Blessings!

  2. Debbie
    February 7, 2015 | 8:04 am

    Thank you for hosting!

  3. Yolanda DeLoach
    February 7, 2015 | 8:42 am

    Susan, I can very much relate to being in a season where my time is not my own. It’s satisfying, but yet at times is frustrating. My unscheduled time is given to my kids, right now. I like how you mention that God has good works for us to do daily, but most of them won’t make it on our schedules. How true! I want to be open to seeing the opportunity for those good works in my days.

  4. Mary Geisen
    February 8, 2015 | 11:17 am

    I was so thrilled to see Susan featured here today. Susan, your post is such a good reminder that making time for God and good works is as simple as stepping away from our schedules. Thank you for your words. Glad that this post was linked to The Weekend Brew.

  5. Ginger Harrington
    February 9, 2015 | 12:46 pm

    I can so relate to the challenge of laying aside our schedule and the pressures of our days. Availability to others is a powerful ministry of presence that is easy to overlook. Thanks for the great reminder today!