Author Archives: Susie Klein

Susie Klein is a 50-something lady, married to the love of her life, with two grown sons, an adorable daughter-in-law and a silly dog called, Layla. After over 25 years in full-time vocational ministry she is now a freelance writer and professional blogger, with encouraging articles in various online magazines and print devotionals. More than slightly addicted to Facebook and blogging, you can always find her at Recovering Church Lady. Visit her blog, Recovering Church Lady, or follow her on Freelance Website, Susie Klein – Writer. Visit her Fan Page on Facebook

Thanks For the Little Gifts


Coffee Time

This morning Lord, I am thankful for the little gifts that you’ve sprinkled throughout my days…


  • What is it about that first sip of hot coffee in the morning? Even my inexpensive stuff from our Super Wal-Mart makes me smile in anticipation. The aroma…oh such a beautiful aroma! Thank you God, for that first sip of coffee.
  • My white towels are stacked on top of the washer. Folding them as I pull them from the dryer, the white fluffiness gives me pleasure. Why didn’t I think of white towels and bleach when my sons were little? So easy! Thank you God, for my folded towels.

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Thankful For the Love of My Life

Curt layla  copy

Thankful for the love of my life…

  • What began in our early twenties has now suddenly continued into our late fifties.
  • I am so thankful for a love affair that is ever changing and growing.
  • This man who is complex but thinks he is simple, wise but calls himself sensible.
  • My life partner, husband and best friend forever.
  • Thank you God for answering my Wish List thirty-five years ago and sending me the love of my life.

 Song of Solomon 8:6 “Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm. For love is as strong as death, its jealousy as enduring as the grave.

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A Church Lady in Recovery

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI used to be a church lady.

Almost like the well-known TV character that makes us laugh, but she also makes me very sad. Sad, because I know her. Sad because I recognize the fear that motivates her. She acted superior but she did not feel superior, she felt afraid.

In her mind, God was an extremely difficult and unreachable being who set up a series of unreachable standards that were requirements for entry into Heaven. The idea of a friendship with God here on earth was not even considered. Life was all about getting the points piled up by doing good here, so that we will be issued a ticket that said, “Well done, you may enter your reward.”

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A Longish Text From God to You Today

BackyardI asked God this morning what He wanted to say to you today, the day you read this blog post. Google has its algorithms, web masters know whom to target and what time of day is best to hit their demographic and magazine editors plan what season to cover certain subjects. But God knows exactly what you need to hear on this day, right now at this moment.

So I asked Him.

I sat in my backyard and listened for His answer to the question.

And then I argued with His answer. 

But God…” (Red flag phrase if I ever heard one!)

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