We have a lot of very fun things in store for all of you over the next few months, and I’m excited to share the first one today! I have partnered with World Vision to bring 5 Minutes for Faith readers an incredible opportunity! If you are a regular reader of 5 Minutes for Mom as well, then you probably saw my post a few days ago, inviting anyone in the Seattle, Washington area to a Mom Blogger Meetup at World Vision Headquarters in Federal Way!
This is such an amazing opportunity for all of us to see first hand what this great ministry does, meet their incredible staff and to experience what they have to offer.
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Life is constantly changing and because all our contributors are moms, we go through changes as well. One thing that many of our readers are not aware of is the fact that we often have several different types of openings for those who are interested in contributing to 5 Minutes for Faith!
We have regularly scheduled contributors who post devotionals on set dates, but we also have floating contributors who submit one or two devotions per month and guest contributors who just want to write for us one time. We do not always have openings for regular or floating positions, but we love to hear from those who are interested anytime!
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I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what I’m teaching my sons. What kind of legacy am I leaving them? Yes, I’m a scrapbooker, so this is generally something I think about often, but I don’t actually mean “legacy” in that way.
I mean in the way that they view life, God, people, themselves. It weighs on my heart because I’m a very imperfect human with more faults than I care to admit. I fail my sons so often in this area.
I rest on the fact that God knew what He was doing when He blessed us with these 6 amazing young men, but that doesn’t mean that I feel like I’m fully capable all the time.
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I am currently in the process of trying to prepare for an unexpected (but fun) trip that my husband and I are planning on taking next weekend. This process, though very exciting at first has begun to consume me. Every time I turn around there is yet another issue to resolve, another item to purchase and another detail to cover.
Sure, part of it is due to the number of children that are involved and the childcare necessary to handle them while we’re gone for even just four days. Another part of it though is worry and anxiety on my part because…you guessed it, I’m not giving it to God as I should.
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Want to support a Christian Baby Clothing company? Faithbaby — offers only the best for your little blessings. To find out more about this company and their products, be sure to go and read Erica’s review and enter to win a $30 gift certificate to Faithbaby at 5 Minutes for Giveaways. Hurry though, it ends on 4/10.
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I’ve been thinking a lot this week about how much of life I take for granted. Especially the time with my children.
I have 6 very healthy sons. The twins who were premature and had a risky first couple years, have come out of that completely unscathed.
As moms, the health and well-being of our children is pretty much at the very top of the list of things we make sure are taken care of daily. As I read about baby Stellan and many, many others in dire circumstances I am reminded once again of two very important things…
First, do NOT take anything in life for granted, realize the gift each moment we have is and celebrate it.
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When is the last time you thought about the miracle of birth?
On Monday, I had the honor of witnessing the birth of my brand new, absolutely adorable niece. It was a major event for me…for many reasons.
Watching a brand new baby who has just entered the world is equally as amazing as the process they take to get here. My niece spent most of her first hour of life with her mouth wide open searching for her mommy.
There are so many amazing verses in the Bible that acknowledge the significance of both birthing a baby and the relationship between a mother and her child.
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“Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.” – Psalms 46:10
Right now this is a big concept for many people. Life is hard and finances very tight for many families throughout our country. Jobs and homes are being lost every time we turn around and things simply look very bleak to many of us.
Regardless of our circumstances though, we can rest assured that He is God! Always has been, always will be. And we just need to remember and lean on that promise.
I want Him to be honored … in my home, in my decisions, in my thoughts and actions!
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