Rejoicing in small beginnings

“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.” – Zechariah 4:10 NLT

I walked down the hall into my daughter’s room only to find her entire toy box and dollhouse emptied onto the floor. She looked up and smiled.

She’d just gotten to the age where I could let her play in her room by herself while I grabbed a few minutes to get things done around the house.

So why was I groaning about the mess instead of being glad at how she’d occupied herself having fun?

As a mom, the new phases our kids grow into can sometimes mean things getting harder–not easier–for a while. When they first start eating solid foods, it might mean more time spent planning meals or trying to please a picky eater. When they first start crawling or walking, it might mean following them around all the time to make sure they don’t fall down the stairs or go out into the street. And when they get older and start to play soccer or join the swim team, it might mean spending a lot of time in the car driving them.

Small beginnings are exciting, but they can be hard.

Sometimes, it’s like that with us, too. We might set a personal goal, launch a new business, start to write a book, start a new exercise plan… and even though the beginning of it brings excitement, it can also bring challenges. We might be too hard on ourselves, get frustrated, or eventually even give up.

But the good news is, that’s not what God does. He celebrates the good beginnings in our lives, and in us. Especially when those beginnings are ones that draw us closer to Him. When we set out to learn more about Him, He meets us right where we’re at. When we pray, He hears us. And when we strive to love others like Jesus did, He rejoices.

We’re not perfect; God knows that. But He’s faithful to complete what He starts in us. He rejoices to see the beginnings.

And back to the new beginnings in our kids: Even on days when it seems like we can’t get one minute of peace – when the laundry is piled high, or when the bedroom (or whole house) is littered with toys… rejoice. Because this time of our lives, though sometimes challenging, is the beginning of our families, our heritage, and our legacy. And all the small milestones and moments are just glimpses of the greatness to come.

Lord, help me to rejoice in the small beginnings in myself, my life, and my kids. Amen.

3 Responses to Rejoicing in small beginnings
  1. BarbieS
    July 2, 2010 | 11:35 am

    This is so true! I tend to get overwhelmed and forget most days that the small strides I do take are steps to accomplishing the greater goals. Blessings!

  2. MamaBee43
    July 2, 2010 | 5:08 pm

    This was so beautiful and so right on! A nice reframe on those mothering moments that make us crazy at times! I shared this post on my blog because I thought it was so perfect! Besides taking pride in the small steps that our children make, we also need to acknowledge ourselves and each other for the strides–or small steps!–that we make in our lives!

  3. Genny
    July 3, 2010 | 2:10 pm

    Thanks for your comments, Barbie and MamaBee. Thanks for sharing this one your site, too MamaBee. 🙂