Jesus Take the Wheel

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

Sometimes it’s hard to know which way to turn, which area of your life has gotten out of balance and which needs to be steered back on course. Every since I’ve become a mom, I’ve struggled with balance. Yet, I’ve been able to encourage others along the way even though I don’t have it all figured out myself…

I wrote the following to a friend who was starting on a similar journey of balance in her own life:

“Listen to that gentle whisper God is speaking to your heart and see where He wants you to let go. Writing and the critique group was one of the hardest things I had to let go of, but I believe the relationships we built will remain in tack. I’ve also given up on publication, after being driven for two years because no matter how fast I drive, He’s the one that steers me down the road. I can take it slow and listen to His directions or put the pedal to the metal and take many wrong turns.”

How true that last statement is:

“No matter how fast I drive, He’s the one that steers me down the road. I can take it slow and listen to his directions or put the pedal to the metal and take many wrong turns.”

I guess the problem for me and others comes in when we start to look elsewhere for answers and direction. Sometimes it’s hard to hear God’s voice when your kids’ and everyone else’s voice is screaming in your ears. I still second and third guess myself all the time, but I’m learning to tune out the background noise, the static on the radio, and let Jesus take the wheel.

I’m in the taking it slow, still-not-sure-of-where-I’m-going stage, trying to soak in the scenery on the way to my unknown destination.

And I’m learning to enjoy the ride.

6 Responses to Jesus Take the Wheel
  1. Crtystal
    June 28, 2010 | 9:58 am

    This was a very uplifting post. we are facing an unknown future and I am trying to keep my eyes on Jesus, my pilot.

  2. Esther Feng
    June 28, 2010 | 10:16 am

    This post is certainly resonating with me! It seems I am always racing ahead of God, with my lists and plans. And there’s always wrong turns!! I, too, am learning to slow down and just let God drive! That way, I can enjoy the view!

  3. Becky Ramsey
    June 29, 2010 | 7:57 am

    Very inspirational, Gina. It’s hard for me to take my hands off the wheel, but when I manage, I give God the opportunity to take me places that I need to go.
    Great post!

  4. Desiree
    June 29, 2010 | 10:01 am

    Gina, it is so hard to let go of our dreams and desires and you are so brave to do that! God is going to direct your path for sure. Many blessings!

  5. BarbieS
    June 30, 2010 | 11:10 pm

    This is a wonderful post. It’s easy for me to go along my life and striving to do it all. It’s hard some times for me to let go and let God. I am learning to trust his leadership in the areas of my life that He is asking me to surrender to Him!

  6. Amy Wyatt
    July 1, 2010 | 4:04 pm

    I struggle with the same issues. I too am trying to stop driving myself and let Jesus choose the direction to go. Thanks for the reminder.