I’ve been working my way through Your 100 Day Prayer: The Transforming Power of Actively Waiting On God, by John Snyder, over at Counting My Blessings this summer.
I believe that finding this book was a God appointment in my life. You see, I’ve been praying about something for a VERY long time. God has blessed me with peace and patience most of the time, but occasionally when longing sets in and my heart hurts . . . well, I’ll bet you can relate.
One of my favorite quotes from the book is:
Prayer is not like rubbing a magic lamp to get our wishes granted. It is talking with not to the God of the Universe. It is praying according to His will – seeking His strength and trusting His decisions.
Rev and I launched Prayer Ministries International more than a dozen years ago.
Since that time we have been blessed with hundreds of pray-ers, all over the world, who have lifted up thousands of prayers.
I moderate all prayer requests and forward them on to those who lift them before the Lord. There is something about having a place to make anonymous requests that allows people the freedom to reveal their deepest needs, their dreams, their hidden sins, and their heart’s desires.
Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28
Listen to my prayer for mercy as I cry out to You for help, as I lift my hands toward your holy sanctuary. Psalm 28:2
I prayed to the Lord, and He answered me. He freed me from all my fears. Psalm 34:4
Keep watch and pray, so that you will not give in to temptation. For the spirit is willing, but the body is weak!” Matthew 26:41
Jesus said, “I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message.” John 17:20
Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying. Romans 12:12
There is nothing too great or too small to bring to the Lord in prayer. He wants us to be free to talk with Him about everything.
When my oldest was a teen, she would come and ask me for permission to do something. If my answer was “no” the debate was on. Whew!
We would talk it over from every possible angle . . . for what sometimes lasted a looooong time. Rev would walk through the room, smile, and simply shake his head.
I never minded our “talks.” I learned about my daughter and she learned about me. Sometimes I compromised a little. Sometimes I didn’t. But we always understood each other a little better in the end. She knew my heart. My love for her. And if a decision was not to her liking she knew it was because I believed it was best for her.
That’s prayer. Pouring our hearts out before God. Learning more about Him. Understanding His heart. Trusting His love.
That’s what we’re learning in Your 100 Day Prayer. We are taking everything to God’s throne of grace and we’re getting to know our Father’s heart.
I love prayer challenges. Sounds like good stuff shared, I will be sure and visit your blog. Prayer really allows us to know Him and as you mentioned, that is the key!
Thanks Dawn. I appreciate your stopping by and taking the time to say hello. Blessings!
Interesting post. It’s hard not to get mad when we pray for something and then it doesn’t happen, but you are right… God isn’t genie in a bottle.
Signed up to be a a part of the Prayer Ministry, BTW.
Kelly, I’m so glad you joined PMI as a pray-er. You are a blessing!!