A New Thing

“I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?†Isaiah 43:19

I’m one of those people who loves change. Which is maybe why I love that verse in Isaiah so much.

New and fresh beginnings energize me, even if they’re something as simple as leaves turning from green to gold in the fall or furniture being rearranged in the house to make a room look different.

And I especially love celebrating New Year’s.

As the calendar turns and another year passes, it causes me to not only reflect on the past, but to look toward the future and all the possibilities it holds.

If we let it, each new year in our lives can be like that “new thing” mentioned in Isaiah.

A thing to look forward to with eager anticipation.

A new opportunity to meet those goals we may not have reached the previous year.

Or make those changes.

Or accomplish those tasks.

A new year to approach with hope and confidence that it will be our best year ever.

Because whether you had a good year in 2008 or not, 2009 is brand new.

And like it says in the book of Isaiah, God is constantly doing a new thing in your life…

Can you feel it?

3 Responses to A New Thing
  1. Susan (5 Minutes for Mom)
    December 26, 2008 | 2:25 am

    I too am so excited for the new things that God will do this New Year. I am so grateful for the new chances He gives us each new day and especially each New Year.

    Thank you for so very much for sharing this inspiration and for all of your posts here at Faith Lifts.

  2. Planning for a New Year :
    December 26, 2008 | 2:04 pm

    […] at Faith Lifts Genny wrote about the wonder of new beginnings. This time between Christmas and the New Year is […]

  3. Jenean
    December 26, 2008 | 2:06 pm

    Thank you for this reminder. Usually, I forget and don’t make my lists until the middle of January. I’m going to take the next few days to plan my year of goals.