Do over!

I blew it as a mom on Thanksgiving morning. All my daughter wanted was for me to watch the Thanksgiving Day parade with her. But I had other things to get done, and the parade was not on my agenda. With a huffy and unpleasant attitude, I joined her in front of the TV. Her bouncy excitement immediately turned to silence while she sat by herself on the couch. I realized how I had squashed her enthusiasm, and all I wanted to do was shout “Do over!”

Remember do overs? As a kid, my friends and I would yell “do over!” anytime we wanted to start a game over or redo our turn. Anyone could shout “do over!” and get a new beginning.

That’s what I wanted—a do over.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could get do overs in life?

The Good News is we do. Life in Christ gives us a new beginning—eternally and every day.

Now we look inside, and what we see is that anyone united with the Messiah gets a fresh start, is created new. The old life is gone; a new life burgeons! Look at it! All this comes from the God who settled the relationship between us and him, and then called us to settle our relationships with each other. God put the world square with himself through the Messiah, giving the world a fresh start by offering forgiveness of sins. (2 Corinthians 5:17-19 The Message)

Forgiveness of sins…the key to starting over. When we confess our sins, God covers us in His forgiveness and grace. He promises to remember our sins no more.

“For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.” (Hebrews 8:12 NIV)

God doesn’t forget—He chooses not to remember. He forgives us and gives us a do over every day. Not only do we start each morning with a clean slate, He lets us start again over and over throughout the day.

What does this mean for us now?

It means our loving God will help us with our daily struggles when we ask Him. Our harsh words, bad moods, poor choices, disobedience, whatever we struggle with—He wants us to turn to Him and let Him help us.

This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same testings we do, yet he did not sin. So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most. (Hebrews 4:15-16 NLT)

He invites us to come boldly—He’s there waiting for us.

That’s what I did on Thanksgiving morning, and then I apologized to my daughter. She forgave me and gave me a do over.


Laura Rath is a follower of Jesus Christ, wife, mother, writer, and works in church ministry. She continues to grow daily in her relationship with God and loves the faith journey she’s on. Laura hosts an online Bible study, using books relevant to women today, and welcomes all women, regardless of age, location, or religious background. You can find Laura at

6 Responses to Do over!
  1. Deb
    December 1, 2011 | 4:42 pm

    This is great Laura! I so often need the gift of a “do over.” How blessed to have a Savior that has made them possible!

  2. Laura Rath
    December 1, 2011 | 5:01 pm

    Deb, thanks for visiting today and leaving a comment! I’m so thankful that His grace covers me and allows me “do overs” repeatedly!

    In Christ,

  3. Susie Klein
    December 1, 2011 | 8:42 pm

    What a wonderful post and great news!

    • Laura Rath
      December 1, 2011 | 10:51 pm

      Thank you Susie!

  4. […] beginning.That’s what I wanted—a do over.Wouldn’t it be nice if we could get do overs in life?Finish reading this story…Written by 5 Minutes for Mom managing editor, Lolli. You can find me blogging at Better in Bulk and […]

    • Laura Rath
      December 3, 2011 | 10:48 pm

      Lolli, thanks for the repost!