My husband, Blake, recently shared a story with us about a friend’s two year old granddaughter. It seems this precious precocious little one loves nothing better than to wake up a little earlier than her parents each morning. She then tiptoes out of her own room and creeps into their’s. As quietly as a two year old is capable of creeping! LOL Once in with her mom and dad she crawls up on the bed, gets right next to their faces, and shouts, “It’s time to wake up!”
It is a fun game that is mostly enjoyed by them all! That is until a Sunday morning earlier this year. The family was settled into the pew at church attentively listening to the Pastor share his message. Unnoticed by her mom and dad this little one wandered down the pew to the people sitting near them. Being an inquisitive child, she took a good look at the man and noticed that his eyes were closed and his chin was resting on his chest.
Yep, you can almost hear it coming can’t you? She climbed up on the pew, got right in next to the man’s face, and shouted, “It’s time to wake up!”
Oh, the wisdom of children. It is time to wake up! That is what the Advent season is all about – It’s Time to Wake Up!
* Wake up to the gift given to us in the birth of Jesus.
* Wake up to our need for salvation.
* Wake up to the gift of salvation that has been given to us in and through Jesus.
* Wake up to the truth of God’s Word, the Bible.
* Wake up and be prepared for Jesus to return for those who love Him.
And do this, understanding the present time. The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. Romans 13:11
“Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” Ephesians 5:14b
It’s easy to get caught up in all of the festivities of the holiday season. May you and all those you love “wake up” to the joy found in Jesus this season of Advent.