The Start of Something Good

“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.†Zechariah 4:10 NLT

Now that’s a verse I need to keep in the front of my mind.

Because, as someone who likes to see things get done, and see them get done quickly, I’m not always the most patient person. And I don’t always appreciate the start of something, no matter how great it turns out in the end.

When I set goals—whether personal or related to my career–I tend to be very focused on the end result. And sometimes I forget that so much of life is about the journey. If I’m being honest, that verse in Zechariah is hard for me to relate to sometimes.

But one thing that helps me to understand it a little better is thinking about my kids and how I rejoice at their beginnings.

When my son and daughter started walking, I didn’t wait until they could make it from one end of the room to the other to get excited. I cheered them on from the very first step, and it didn’t matter if they fell or how far they went. When they learned how to ride a bike, all it took was one or two pedals on their own to have me jumping up and down and clapping. And when I see them close their little eyes at night and hear them say their bed-time prayers, I’m filled with thankfulness and joy at the beginnings of their faith.

That’s how God feels about beginnings, too. From the very first second we turn to Him, He rejoices. He doesn’t wait until we become “better people†or “more holyâ€. And when He sees us moving in the direction of fulfilling the purpose we were created for, He cheers us on. He rejoices even when the work is just beginning.

We should all try to do that a little more, I think.

Instead of being hard on ourselves or others because the results that we want aren’t yet realized, how about rejoicing that we’re moving in the right direction? Good things are worth waiting for and sometimes they take time. So whether we’re striving to improve relationships, make positive changes in our lifestyle or health, or realize a career or personal goal, let’s all pause and take a minute to be happy about the beginnings.

And to celebrate the start of something good.

2 Responses to The Start of Something Good
  1. Barb
    October 3, 2008 | 5:19 pm

    So true!! I always want total maturity NOW, in myself. But God shows us things in the natural so we can apply them and learn them in the spirit. This is a great lesson to learn.

    Barb at Between the lines…living in the open spaces.

  2. Julie
    October 8, 2008 | 6:03 pm

    This is true. I’ve been struggling with my weight for a long time. (Especially the past year). I need to celebrate the small victories. And in my spiritual growth. I know I have a long way to go. But I know I’ve made small steps. I need to rejoice over them. Thank you!