I received a call from a close friend today that changed the entire direction of my day. Her words were the rudder in my schedule, veering me full throttle into a new and exciting project. She felt an irresistible urge to reach out to the homeless as the weather dives down, degree by degree into frigid temperatures at night. As she sprung the idea on me, I surged into brainstorming mode. My background in marketing reared its head and seeped into my every suggestion. I had it in mind to reach the most amounts of people possible, so we could have a huge impact on the lives of the homeless.
She lovingly listened as my mind went into overdrive with ideas. I wanted a catchy name. I wanted logistics worked through. I wanted a sketch of a flyer written out. I knew what I wanted and as I spoke with my friend, she reminded me this new project, this new idea wouldn’t be about my wants. God will accomplish what He has already set out to do with this.
So as my brain continued to whir through all the technicalities of who to contact to set the wheels in motion, I remembered to stop and pray. Humbly, I lifted this service outreach back up to the One who generated it in the first place. My energy level didn’t wane. Instead, it perked up even higher (how is that even possible? those who know me might ask). When something is happening that is Spirit led…watch out. It’s alive and filled with divine passion.
Are you wondering what the service project is? She met with some close friends who are willing to pass out gloves, mittens, scarves, and winter hats to homeless men and women. Our role is collecting those items. Once collected, we’ll write notes in each one, notes expressing that these men and women are loved. I even called my folks and got them pumped up about the idea. My dad, who spent thirty plus years advancing in a marketing career, was excited to input his thoughts for a name: Warm Hands from Warm Hearts. I passed out flyers around the neighborhood with my children today.
I’ll let other local friends know in the coming days.
Three things stand out to me about this project so far. The first is being able to share about merciful giving to my children and decorating the collection box with them. The second is the verse that my mom shared with me that I added to the bottom of the flyers:
“See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands.” Isaiah 49:16a
Finally, I love when the Spirit is in something. It takes on a life of its own. Why? Because it is life.
That is Awesome! When God is in it there is no stopping it! Praise Him!