Christ in YOU!



Jesus replied, “With all the earnestness I possess I tell you this: Unless you are born again, you can never get into the Kingdom of God.” 

-From The Gospel of John Chapter 3


The birth of Jesus is the focus of Christmas to we who believe. At least in theory. But, the beauty of Christmas is that this tiny mysterious bundle of wisdom swaddled in hay, laying in manger one Holy Night has birthed an undeniable kingdom as prophesied from the beginning.

The beauty of Christmas is not in this one freeze frame, iconic, Christmas card image but in the powerful truth behind the picture.

Christ is born, yes. 

But, ultimately the beauty of  Christmas lies in the reality of Christ born …in US.

And this is the secret: Christ lives in you. (NLT) 

To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. (ESV)

~Colossians 1:27

But it does not end there. As Jesus grew from infant to adult physically. So we follow suit spiritually. We must not stay spiritual babes. If we linger in infancy, remain unchanged, by this miracle in time we stifle the power, beauty and truth of Christmas.

And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man. Luke 2:52 (NLT)

Jesus did not come to give us a merry little Christmas. He came to give each one of us a mighty, empowered, abundant, grace-filled life with a vision and hunger for eternity that can only be satisfied with His faithful presence.

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen. 1 Peter 3:18 (ESV)

Do you want peace this Christmas?

Do you want joy?

Hope? Contentment?

Friends, look to Jesus!

Get your eyes off the temporary and onto His glory!

It is all  made possible by this same one babe, who grew into a  man, who also  laid down His life, TO RISE AGAIN with the promise to walk with us in our ordinary day to day lives. Even this thing we call Christmas.

Our Emmanuel, Christ the Lord.

“After a little while the world will no longer see Me, but you will see Me; because I live, you will live also. “In that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you. John 14:19-20

Rejoice, friends. Be renewed in your faith, hope, peace and joy. He is with us. Pray with me?

Lord, You came a babe, but grew in stature and wisdom, remaining obedient all the way to the cross. Forgive us for living lives that are all too often focused on the temporary and trivial. Give us a passion for your unseen Kingdom so that we glorify you in the here and now, onward into eternity. May You be magnified in us as we yield ourselves to You and magnify your name. May we continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Son, Babe, Savior, King, not remaining infants but growing to fulfill your purposes for our lives. To You alone be the Glory. Amen.

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Matthew 28:18 (NIV)



4 Responses to Christ in YOU!
  1. Mary Collins
    December 15, 2014 | 5:57 pm

    Stop being Christian babies. Tap into all of the power and glory he has bestowed upon through His birth, death, and resurrection. Good stuff. Thanks for sharing!

    • Dawn Paoletta (
      December 21, 2014 | 4:19 pm

      Amen and yes, Thanks for your comment and Merry Christmas Mary!

  2. Victoria
    December 16, 2014 | 2:59 am

    Simple but true, ‘look to Jesus’ for the best Christmas. The NLT translation Christ lives in you is so special – and timely for me – all day yesterday the song I couldn’t get out of my head was ‘God’s not dead, he’s surely alive, LIVING ON THE INSIDE’!

    • Dawn Paoletta (
      December 21, 2014 | 4:20 pm

      I love that, Victoria. Thank you for sharing. Merry Christmas!