It’s been a rotten day. Everything that could go wrong has gone wrong. There are all kinds of self-destructive things you could do in response, but you know you’ll end up feeling worse.
When you find yourself in the middle of a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day, what should you do?
I was a college student on the way to my summer job one morning when my car ran out of gas. This was before cell phones that would have enabled me to let my boss know I was running late or to call for help.
I got out of the car and realized I would have to walk to the nearest gas station. The problem was I was wearing a dress and heels. Of course. Time was of the essence, so I started running awkwardly along the busy road. That’s when I realized that all the buttons of the top part of my dress had come undone and I was giving passing motorists a show. Actually, I realized it when I heard the honking.
When I finally arrived at the gas station and started filling a gas can, I succeeded in giving myself a bath in gasoline.
I can laugh about it now, but I’m thankful that in the midst of many other situations like this, I’ve been able to think about what a funny story it will make later.
Having trouble finding the humor in your day? Watch these family-friendly YouTube videos.
It’s natural to want to be alone when you’ve had a bad day, but too much time alone means you’re cutting yourself off from a major source of support. When I finally made it to the office, my co-workers helped me feel a lot better about the rough start to my day. (What that means is they laughed at me.)
People who haven’t experienced the same hassles we have can help us be more objective, can offer comfort, and can help us rediscover our sense of humor.
When you’ve had a rough day, let people know. Otherwise, they may assume they’ve done something to upset you or they may add to your stress level by making requests you don’t feel equipped to fulfill.
While I’ve listed prayer as the last option, it is first in terms of effectiveness. Prayer not only has a calming influence, but we gain a much-needed perspective.
God wants to restore your peace and give you wisdom for what to do. Don’t know how to pray? Try praying one of the psalms, like Psalm 30:.
You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent. Lord my God, I will praise you forever. (vs. 11-12)
After spending time in prayer, you may find that what began as a bad day ends up being one of your best.
What helps you get through a bad day?
Love these great tips, Melanie – looking forward to watching the YouTube videos!
So glad, Barb. Unfortunately, I need the tips myself!
Hmm, bad day? first reaction chocolate, then prayer. Probably should learn to reverse that order.
I hear you, Diana. 🙂 Me, too!
Wow I really needed this tonight. I’m in my junior year of college and its getting so difficult. My major is not turning out like I wanted it to but I’m too afraid to switch this late. Although the thought of a career in a subject that I don’t enjoy is even scarier. Thank you for sharing that Psalm.
Ashley, I feel for you. I’m so glad this post was helpful. I want to direct you to a friend’s post that you may also find helpful.
Praying for you!
Exercise. It provides a mental & physical pick-me-up like nothing else can. I also make sure I eat healthy & hydrate. Nothing pulls me down like lack of or simply poor fuel & being dehydrated.
I had to really resist the fatty, chocolate dessert today because I’m NOT having a good day. But you’re so right.
Melanie, love this post..what a great reminder 🙂
I’m so glad, Beth. Thanks for reading and commenting.