Savor the Good



Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. Let all that you do be done with love. ~1 Corinthians 16:13-14

Some days are just meant to be lived, without fanfare. Accepted graciously, quietly and humbly. On our recent family vacation, I found myself faced with some of the same obstacles and challenges I was hoping to escape. Our vacation was one year in the making and anticipating. Big plans each one of us carried along within, of how the week would go. It’s funny, we as moms and women are so sensitive to those around us. It’s in our genetic code, I believe. I can’t help but wonder if that isn’t exactly how God in His perfection created us- to be fully sensitive to others. Yet still, He desires us to remain wholly submitted to Himself.

In the storms of life we lean toward worry or the One who has the power to calm the storm.

I think that those we love are also sensitive. They are keenly aware of which way we are leaning, because when mama’s boat is rocked- the whole family can get sea-sick! As women, so often our happiness depends on the happiness, peace and contentment of others. Our feathers get rustled as those around us ride the waves of life. It’s as if we moms are hardwired to worry. Could it be that Jesus knew that mamas, in this very design and potential, would be the faithful prayer partners he desired?

If mama can remember her faithful Life Preserver, Christ, she has the potential to be that calm presence which will help steady the boat, for husband, son, daughter and those along for the ride. 

The fact is, we can’t choose when the storms will come, or pass us. We can’t know for sure whether we will have smooth sailing and sunshine skies or choppy waters and fierce weather. But we can keep calm instead of panicking. We can rejoice in the rocking boat. We can choose to savor the good, despite the storm.

Things won’t always go as planned. I get that but God seemed to want to impress my heart with another lesson. Loving others through the storm…even when they themselves are the ones creating some of those waves!

You plan for sunshine but get rain. You plan to retire, but need to continue working. You desire to stay married, but find yourself separated. You planned to settle down and remain  in one state but wound up travelling abroad.

I don’t know what your “plan” was or is for that matter. What I do know is that in pain, sorrow, frustration, and all circumstances, He is good. Those aren’t just words. They are faith life preservers, friend. Whatever you’re going through, I want you to know that God will allow beauty and precious moments in your life despite the disappointments, failed plans and challenging times. Look for them. Savor them. Hang on to the precious. Savor the good and you will steady the boat, just fine.

Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. ~Philippians 4:4-5

2 Responses to Savor the Good
  1. denise
    July 26, 2013 | 3:36 am

    Awesome, really enjoyed this.

  2. Deb
    July 27, 2013 | 10:17 am

    Dawn, I love where you wrote “when mama’s boat is rocked – the whole family can get sea-sick.” It is so true. I’m always trying to maneuver us to calm water. So foolish, when I know the One who is able to calm the storm or calm me and my family. I will carry your analogy with me for a long time. Thanks!