“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.” 2 Timothy 7
This morning I asked myself if I’m living out this verse by modeling it for my children. I hope to make a more concerted effort to show them I’m living with a spirit of courage, power, love and self-discipline. If I trace back through an ordinary day I can think of dozens of times I allow complaints to slip from my lips. From the moment my feet hit the floor in the morning to throwing vegetables on the stove for dinner, I find little things that needle me and I freely express my irritation.
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This morning I shared the waiting room with a chatty elderly couple. I politely pretended not to hear their conversation, but soon it became more than time-passing rambling.
“Everything would be different if he hadn’t fallen,” she said. Her husband nodded in silent agreement.
“And Eleanor. If only she hadn’t tried to put on her pants standing on one leg.” The conversation continued, listing the various people she could name who would still be in good health (or still be around at all) if they hadn’t fallen.
“Even just a little fall. That’s the key to everything. Just don’t fall.”
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Last year, my son went through a phase of independence. At just seven years old, he no longer wanted me hugging him around his friends, calling him buddy, or kissing him when I dropped him off places.
But during that phase, one day as I was writing at the kitchen table, he did something that surprised me.
Out of the blue, he walked over and climbed onto my lap.
At first, I thought maybe he was hurt or upset about something.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“Nothing.” He smiled.
Then he wrapped his arms around my neck, rested his head on my shoulder, and hugged me.
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