My husband is an attorney. From time to time, I tag along with him when he has to be in court. This week he was appointed to represent a mother who was trying to regain custody of her teenage son. After some poor decisions by this mom, her son was now in the care of foster parents. His name was Maverick.
When Maverick sat down outside of the court room, dressed all in black, it was clear to me, his body language screamed, “Leave me alone and stay away.” Yet, his whole demeanor saddened me.
I couldn’t help but overhear as his social worker sat down beside him, and began talking with him.
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Written on
September 13, 2009 by
Amy in
If you are a parent, there are probably some things your children do that drive you absolutely crazy! I know there are lots of things mine do that sometimes cause me to want to scream. I love them with all my heart, but they sure can frustrate me at times. One of the biggies at our house is ignoring someone when they are speaking to you. This usually only happens when the television is on.
Recently, I had to call my son five times before I had his full attention. He answered me on the third attempt, but still did not fully comprehend what I was instructing him to do until the fifth time.
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“Lemonade! Lemonade! Lemonade!”
My three year old recently graduated from saying “yemulade” to being able to say “lemonade.” It was really cute to see him bouncing up and down saying it over and over, so proud of himself for getting it right.
At about the same time, his six year old brother took off on his bike without training wheels and crossed the monkey bars without help–both in the same week. In a way, those are really small deals. But to my kids, those accomplishments matter. And that makes them important. Paying attention and celebrating those moments is where a relationship is built.
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Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. 1 Corinthians 15:58
“Red Rover, Red Rover, send Jennifer right over” we chanted even as we grasped small sweaty hands even tighter. I could feel my knuckles crushing together but I wasn’t going to let her through. Determined not to be the weak link, I planted my feet just a little wider than shoulder’s width apart. I would not be moved.
Her eyes caught mine, and I knew she was running right towards me.
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I love how the Bible can so perfectly apply to a certain situation. I woke up this morning, cupped tea in my hand and dug into the Word to find this…
“My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you, how I wish I could be with you now and change my tone, because I am perplexed by you.” Galatians 4:19-20
Staring at the three combative faces before me, disgruntled and caught up in a frenzy of anticipating school anxiety, this verse sprung to life. In the aftermath of the bout of whining and an abrupt lashing out between siblings, sometimes that is the exact word I feel, perplexed.
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Our family has been a “high maintainance” prayer family the last few years. I have shared with you the story of my husband’s illness and heart surgery, and today I would like to tell you about our grandson. JJ is an eighteen month old bundle of energy and mischief, which in itself is a miracle. You see he was born in February of 2008 at only 24 1/2 weeks gestation. He entered the world at a whopping 1 lb. 9 oz.
It had only been five months since his grandpa’s rare and dangerous surgery, and five weeks since the death of his great-grandma, my mom.
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Written on
September 2, 2009 by
Gina in
Maybe you’re like me. Someone who’s been struggling to find God’s will. Someone who’s spent your life on a divine treasure hunt, chasing after God’s will like the elusive Holy Grail, knowing that when you finally take hold of it, all will be well in the universe or at least your life.
But what if God’s will is not something you can find? What if it’s not hidden, but right next to you and all you need to do is move over to give God room to work?
I remember as junior in college sweating over the choice to spend six months on a mission internship to Africa.
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What Has God promised you? Is there something specific He has whispered to your heart He would do? Do you feel like His promise is so big and wonderful it couldn’t possibly be for you? What is holding you back? Why aren’t you taking Him at His word?
Why haven’t you finished what you started for Him?
I have been feeling the sweet nudgings of my Lord to finish the book He put on my heart to begin last year. I have written eight chapters of a twenty chapter book, sent off book proposals and I’m far from finished. My friend Celia has offered to let me write in her home in the woods not too far from where I live.
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