It’s the perfect place to pray. In the shower, that is.
With a husband, three little girls, and a barky Schnauzer, there isn’t always a whole lot of alone time at my house. So a shower can provide at least a few quiet minutes all to myself.
It has other prime prayer spot benefits, as well. Tears and runny mascara can be washed away quickly. Soft sobs are muffled by the sound of both water and exhaust fan running. And there, standing literally naked before the Lord, you are able to pour out all of your hurts, fears, and doubts without hesitation.
On one particularly weepy and prayer-filled shower session, I told the Lord I had called out to Him so many times in that one spot that my shower had surely become holy ground. I thought of Moses being told to remove his sandals by the Lord because he was standing on holy ground (Exodus 3:5), and I laughed as I looked down at my bare feet. No need for sandal removal for me!
Laughter gave way to thanksgiving.
What a precious gift that we are able to call upon the Lord anywhere, anytime. It is nothing like in the Old Testament where the Israelites were dependent on Moses to hear from God or where a high priest was the one to go before the Lord for the people.
We get to talk to God. We get to call on His name and to seek His face. We can ask Him ourselves for forgiveness, for direction, for encouragement. And we are free to do so whether in the shower, in our minivans, or fixing PB&Js. We have all day access to our King, all because of Jesus. Because He who knew no sin became sin so that we could be made right with God. So that we can spend eternity with God in heaven and so that we can approach Him right here, right now.
How thankful I am to have a God who invites me to come before Him. A Father who beckons me to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17), to cast all of my cares on Him because He cares for me (1 Peter 5:7), and to boldly approach His throne to obtain mercy and grace (Hebrews 4:16). And I am forever thankful there are no location limitations to His invitation.
As we go through our days lifting up our many prayers, may we remember to be thankful for the way we are allowed to approach Him, for His precious provision so that we can draw near. We have a God who listens and tenderly responds – even when there is a ring around our holy ground.
“I love the Lord, because He has heard
My voice and my supplications.
Because He has inclined His ear to me,
Therefore I will call upon Him as long as I live.”
Psalm 116:1-2
Where have you cried out to Him so much it has become like holy ground in your life? I know He loves to hear your voice, no matter where that place may be.
Good stuff Kimberly…never thought of my shower as holy ground, but I’ve totally had wonderful times of prayer there. Your words here reminded me of Wendy Blight’s online study…she spoke on prayer this week as well. We need to remember we have power and authority…prayer empowers our faith! Blessings and prayers, Jill
I need to go check out her study. SO thankful we can talk to the Lord in prayer, and, as you said, that we have power and authority!
Love you, friend! 🙂
Oh, yes! I am so thankful I can cry out to Him no matter where I am, how I’m dressed, or what I’m doing…silently or out loud, even in tears when I don’t know what to pray. Like you, I’ve said many a tearful prayer in the shower. But sometimes, I just find my time alone in the bathroom for no other reason except to pray and be alone. And usually no one bothers me. 🙂
The bathroom is definitely a good place to hide out for a bit. 🙂 So thankful the Lord is more than willing to meet with us there!
Blessings, Laura! 🙂
Kimberly, I am so glad I am not the only one who prays in the shower! Beautiful thoughts and I am also so grateful that His invite stands…in the shower and anywhere to come boldly to His beautiful throne of grace. Thank you for sharing!
I won’t lie! I am super thankful others like you have fessed up to shower praying, too. 🙂 I was afraid this might have been a little TOO much information. 😉
Blessings, Dawn!
I don’t sing in the shower but I do prayer there sometimes…
I will sing, but only if NO ONE is home with me! 🙂
I loved reading your post, as a mom to three young children, I find myself praying often in the minivan and the shower. Trying to before bed at night I just end up falling asleep exhausted from the day:)
Loved this Kimberly! So grateful for that All Access Pass to Jesus. 😉