Big Lessons from a Little Devotion

“If you want to save your life, you will destroy it. But if you give up your life for me, you will find it.” Matthew 16:25

One morning, when my youngest two were three and five years old, I sat down with them for a quick devotion. I usually didn’t get around to devotions with my little ones, but on this morning I had managed some quiet time myself before they got up. When they came to sit besides me, I set aside my Bible and seized the moment, never knowing that their children’s devotion would be just what I needed.

Giving Up Things for Jesus

That was the title of the lesson taken from Luke 5:10-11 and the story about when Jesus called Simon to follow Him.

Simon loved to fish. It was all he knew to do, and he was good at it. But Jesus wanted Simon to tell others about the Kingdom of God. Jesus wanted Simon to follow Him.

Wow! That totally hit me where I was. Loving something so much, something I was good at and felt called to, and then being asked to give it up.

Jesus didn’t promise Simon would always have a roof over his head, or the road would be easy. He simply said, “be a fisher of men.” And that’s what Simon did.

Simon could have stayed behind and continued fishing, and he probably would have been happy and content. But Simon gave up what he loved. He traded in his fishing gear for something better.


Is God asking you to give up something?

Remember what Christ gave up for us and ask Him if something has come between your relationship. If you’re obedient to what He asks of you, He’ll bless you with something more than you could ever imagine. I’m clinging to that as I walk in obedience to what He has spoken to my heart.

6 Responses to Big Lessons from a Little Devotion
  1. BarbieS
    June 10, 2010 | 2:16 pm

    This is great! The Lord once asked me to give up something that was dear to my heart. I laid it down several years ago. Now, He has opened the door for me to stepped back into this ministry. His timing is always perfect.

  2. Staci
    June 10, 2010 | 5:39 pm

    Oh my goodness – this is powerful! Thank you, Gina, I needed this today!

  3. Alysun
    June 11, 2010 | 6:24 am

    For several weeks now I’ve been waking up early and I know its been to study his word…I just know it. But what do I do? Turn over for a little more snoozing. Not anymore. Thanks for this post!

  4. Terri
    June 11, 2010 | 8:54 am

    Perfect timing on this post for me!! Thank you!! I have had this little nagging in the back of my head for sometime that I need to ease up on an activity that I have been doing (internet-related) and start focusing on the more important things in life!! This is just what I needed to kick me into action!! Thank you for sharing!!!

  5. Gina
    June 11, 2010 | 9:36 am

    It is hard getting up in the am. I had to train myself by setting my alarm 15 min earlier than the previous wake up time. Right now I’m in summer sleep in mode! :0 But lessons from God are all around us if we just open our eyes and hear!

    Blessings on your day, ladies!

  6. Genny
    June 16, 2010 | 10:32 pm

    This is such a great reminder, Gina. It’s hard when we love something so much and then are asked to give it up. It makes me think about when I dislocated my knee and had to give up dance… trivial example, but it was hard! 🙂