Strengthen my Heart

I’m visiting my parents in Florida. My dad has been battling high blood pressure as well as a slew of other ailments. He owns his own blood pressure monitor. As I watch him check the numbers frequently I’m reminded of a particular verse.

“May he strengthen your hearts so that you will be blameless and holy in the presence of God and Father when our Lord Jesus comes with all his holy ones.” 1 Thessalonians 3:13

Our hearts are weak vessels. Finicky, and in need of strengthening. This verse captures my hope and prayer for my children. I want them to lean into God’s strengthening. I for crave them to allow God to strengthen their hearts. When left to our own desires, our hearts are apt to lead us astray. As we ready to go to Disney World tomorrow I think about all the princesses swooning and singing about following your heart. How phenomenal would that be to come across a song expressing the need and prayer for God to strengthen our hearts? I know I need that. I long for it.

Our hearts fail us. God is reliable. He is the almighty strength. Every time I witness my dad checking his blood pressure, I plan to remember this. Every time I watch my girls emotionally crushed, I’ll remember that. Our God alone has the power to strengthen our hearts toward being blameless and holy.

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