A while back, I read Joyce Meyer’s book The Battle Belongs to the Lord. It was a great little book and a quick read about overcoming life’s struggles through worship. What I took away from it is I need to worship God not because of what He does for me, but for who He is!
Joyce sites men and women of God in the Old and New Testament who worshiped God first before facing the enemy. Gideon, Elijah, Paul, Jesus to name a few. All worshiped God despite their circumstances, and God moved!
Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD. Psalm 150:6
Worship in the midst of my circumstances, despite how I feel. That’s what I need to do instead of complaining about them. I admit, sometimes it’s hard. Okay, most times it’s hard, but I’m getting better at this. Instead of focusing on my problems and what I don’t have, I’m trying to visualize them as I know God wants them to be and trying to be content with knowing God has me right where He wants me whether I understand or like it! And it really has changed my attitude about the situation, when I’ve done that.
The toughest part is remembering to praise God and thank Him for what I know He will eventually accomplish. I have no idea when He will bring certain things to pass, but I do know if I focus on the future and the will of God for my life, it will happen.
Worship God for who He is despite my need. That’s what I’m trying to do. What about you?
I love this reminder to worship. Thanks, Gina!