Everyday gifts…

The other day, I was jotting down some notes in a notebook, when I turned the page and saw a little drawing from my daughter– a happy face with an “I love you” next to it. It was a cute surprise, and it made me smile.

It also made me pause and be grateful for the other little surprises–the little gifts–in my life. Sometimes, I go about my day and take for granted those gifts—a hug from my daughter, hearing my son laugh, spending time watching a movie with my husband, getting a card from a friend, or even finding a good parking space at the store.

I usually think of gifts as bigger things, like a writing contract, a new piece of furniture, a dozen roses, or maybe a direct answer to prayer.

But when I saw my daughter’s note and happy face, I was reminded that the everyday happenings in our lives are the big gifts. They are what really matters.

“Every good and perfect gift is from above…” James 1:17

What about you? What are the everyday gifts in your life?

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