A Friend Loves

“A friend Loves at all times…” –Proverbs 17:17

This verse has really hit home for me lately. As a result of my recent injuries, I’ve been in a situation where I’ve needed help. And I’ve never appreciated my friends and family so much. The cards, phone calls, flowers, meals, and visits have meant more than I could’ve imagined.

I didn’t expect any of it.

And, to be honest, it was hard letting others help me at first. In fact, when friends started calling and offering meals, I was quick to answer, “That’s okay. We’re fine.”

But you know what?

They brought meals anyway.

And I was reminded exactly what true friendship is about.

It’s about being there through the highs and the lows. The successes and the challenges. It’s about serving and giving to lift others up when they are down.

I’ve brought many meals to friends over the years, and even strangers. I’ve sent cards and made calls when I’ve heard that someone is going through a hard time. But, I’ve never truly understood how much that can mean until now.

It was such a relief to have a meal already made when I couldn’t get up and cook for my kids. And it was wonderful to have the phone ring, or get a card in the mail, when I was feeling discouraged or frustrated.

And it gave me a new conviction that I want to be that kind of friend to others.

A friend that loves at ALL times.

We may not think it’s a big deal to whip up dinner and drop it off at someone’s house. Or stop by and visit a friend when they are sick. Or buy a card of encouragement and pop it in the mail.

But it is.

And when we reach out to others like that and serve, we are letting God’s love flow through us–through our meals, our phone calls, our notes, our time. And in our friend’s pain or sickness, maybe–just maybe–they will feel peace and rest and hope.

They will feel love.

So let’s not forget to make that extra effort to reach out to our friends and family when they need it. Let’s not forget to help them, to serve them, to love them, unconditionally.

What about you? Has there been a time when the love of your friends or family made all the difference?

2 Responses to A Friend Loves
  1. maryleigh
    July 21, 2009 | 12:21 am

    I have the best of friends who lift me up when I am down, who encourage, hug, laugh, and love me just the way I am. We’re moving after 18 years of building these friendships. I’m really going to miss the support system God gave me. However, I walk in total FAITH that God will grace me with wonderful, supportive friends where we are going.

  2. Wendy
    July 21, 2009 | 12:23 pm

    I’ll never forgot a very hard time in my life when my friends surrounded me. They lived out Biblical Love and I must say some of the meals they made were some of the best I’ve ever eaten!
    ~ Wendy