Are You Experiencing God?

“Then he said to Him, “If your presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here.” Exodus 33:15

Though I remember little about the Experiencing God bible study by Henry and Richard Blackaby I did years ago, the thing that stuck with me was this… see where God is moving and join him.

What a revelation that was for someone like me a planner who usually rallied the troops to join me in working or doing things for God or others. But it makes sense. Why toil at my own plans that ultimately fail when God’s are best?

I lost track of that revelation for a while, years in fact. It came back to me with such clarity this weekend after I finished a successful writers’ conference. After all the accolades I started wondering why some things I set my hand to prosper, like planning the conference, and other things fail, like trying to start three different small groups at my church. I think it’s all about who’s ultimately behind the planning.

Though my motives for starting the small groups at church were good, maybe they weren’t inline with God’s plan for my life. I thought he wanted me to get to know more people in the church, pursue real life relationships instead of having only online ones, and since we have this big house, hosting a small group seemed the perfect fit. Then why has it not panned out? I’m not sure, but I do know I need to focus my efforts to where God is moving and join him. How much easier is that than trying to make something happen on my own for Him?

I’m taking a closer look at the things I’m currently doing and reevaluating where I should spend my time and energy. And asking the question “what constitutes success in God’s eyes?” Just because I don’t have thousands of readers like others, does that mean that God isn’t moving? No. He moves one person at a time. In fact, he’d leaves the 99 just to find the lost one. I need to follow in his footsteps!

4 Responses to Are You Experiencing God?
  1. Dana
    July 8, 2009 | 12:08 pm

    It moved me 🙂 Thanks for this. I always need this reminder.

    Dana Ellis

  2. Pam
    July 8, 2009 | 7:33 pm

    Hi, I stumbled upon your blog “by accident”, after Google-ing “worry-itis”… worry is something I do too much of. You have an interesting blog.

  3. Wendy
    July 21, 2009 | 12:26 pm

    I’m right there with you, reevaluating. I can get confused with what God is trying to do and what I’m taking off doing…I need God to go before me and to go with me. I need that kind of God. Thanks for writing this.
    ~ Wendy

  4. Gina
    August 6, 2009 | 10:48 am

    Sorry it’s taken me so long to respond to this! Life has a way of taking over our intentions. I’m still learning to walk in this and even though small group sign ups are just around the corner, I’m going to refrain from volunteering to lead! 😉