It’s Okay to be Bad

We’re all sinners. No one is all good. Not one. When God looks down from heaven, He sees us all the same. Prostitute, deacon, drug dealer, preacher.

We’re all sinners.

Though there are many people who do not serve God and who still do good, the difference is the standard or the measurement we use to determine good.

In Dwight Edwards devotional, Experiencing Christ With, he explains:

“We can easily slip into a ‘street level’ view of goodness. It’s like walking down a city street sidewalk and comparing the heights of those you pass by. A few people happen to be well over six feet tall and really stand out from the crowd. But if you were to look down on the scene from atop a hundred-story skyscraper, everybody on the sidewalk would appear equally tiny.”

That’s how God sees us. We’re all equally tiny. Sinners because of our sin nature, because it goes against the very nature of God.

According to Psalm 53:2-3, “God looks down from heaven on the children of men to see if they understand, who seek God. Every one of them has turned aside; they have together become corrupt; there is none who does good, no, not one.”

So why is it okay to be bad, as the title of this post suggest?

Because as I see it, if we weren’t bad or sinful, we wouldn’t need Jesus. Once we recognize that though we may appear to be good by the world’s standards, in truth, no one is good.

But the good news is, through Christ, we are forgiven and made new.


Through Christ,

not through works or deeds,

we are made good.

One Response to It’s Okay to be Bad
  1. Siobhan
    October 18, 2010 | 11:03 pm

    AMEN TO THAT!!!!!!! AMEN