You’ve Got A Friend In Me

Ever heard the phrase, “a friend in need is a friend indeed”? Some believe this phrase means that someone who needs help or wants something from you will become friends with you in order to obtain it. However, when you research this phrase you will find in the 3rd century BC, Quintus Ennius wrote ‘Amicu certus in re incerta cernitur’ which translated from Latin means ‘a sure friend is known when in difficulty’. The origin of the phrase can also be traced back to 1489, in Caxton’s Sonnes of Aymon: ‘It is said that at the need, a friend is known.’ In other words, someone who helps you when you are in need is a true friend.

Sometimes we don’t realize just how much we need our friends. We think we can do things on our own without anyone’s help – including God’s. We set out strong only to be beaten down by life’s many obstacles and end up feeling alone, discouraged and defeated. This is just what our enemy desires. However, this isn’t what God intended. When Christ sent the disciples out to spread the word about Him, he sent them in pairs.

Calling the Twelve to Him, He sent them out two by two and gave them authority over evil spirits. (Mark 6:7)

The NIV Life Application Bible by Zondervan has the following to say about this verse, “The disciples were sent out in pairs. Individually, they could have reached more areas of the country, but this was not Christ’s plan. One advantage in going out by twos was that they could strengthen and encourage each other, especially when they faced rejection. Our strength comes from God, but He meets many of our needs through our teamwork with others.”

Sometimes our daily lives and our spiritual lives can be a challenge. We all need the strength and encouragement of a friend at times.

Has God placed a special friend in your life? Are you paired with someone who comes to your rescue in times of need? Are you strengthening or encouraging someone else? If not, pray for God to send you a special friend or for Him to show you ways you can be a friend to others.

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work. If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

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