Last week millions of people rushed to buy flowers, stuffed animals, candy, cards and diamonds to remind their spouse of their undying devotion.
I wonder how many of those millions are still feeling the love this week?
1 Corinthians 13:4-7 “Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”
How many of us live out these biblical truths in our marriage? They are hard to put into practice, but it’s only through the grace of God that we can learn to love like Jesus loved, even in marriage.
Only through the grace of God can we learn to love like Jesus loved, even in marriage. {tweet it}
Love is patient, with our spouses and the curveballs that life often throws at us. Love is kind, even when our spouses are cranky. Love is humble, even when we are the one that is “right” in an argument. Love is filled with honesty and Godly truth. Love is endearing, even when our spouses are not. Love endures all things, even the biggest stresses that life can throw at us. Love is filled with a hope that only comes from knowing Jesus Christ.
Let’s face it, this love stuff is tough work. We are busy. We have responsibilities. Little and big people to care for. To do lists a mile long. Laundry and lots of it. And sometimes romance is the first thing to fly out the proverbial window in our marriage.
But in the middle of all the daily craziness, don’t you want to feel loved by the one person on this earth that you vowed to go through life with? I sure do.
How do you show love to your spouse in the daily chaos of life?
My hubby’s love language is home cooked meals so I have learned to love the act of cooking because it makes him happy. I tuck little love notes inside his lunch box when I remember. I often mow the lawn on a hot summer day while he’s at work, or take out the trash before he gets home. Sometimes I buy him his favorite candy bar when I’m out running errands. It’s the little things that make him happy.
I don’t need roses, or diamonds or even chocolates to feel loved by my hubby. But a little patience, encouragement, a listening ear and a man willing to empty the dishwasher when I’m having a crazy week goes a long way for me.
Let’s make it our mission to love our husbands every day of the year. In the middle of our messes. In the little ways that matter.
What can you do this week to let your husband know how much you love him?
That 1 Corinthians passage really knocks it out of the park when we insert our own name wherever the word LOVE appears.
It doesn’t take me long to take my temperature … and find out that there’s a whole lot of room for improvement.
Thanks, Nicki, for these love-words …
I agree Linda. So often we get busy enough that we put showing love at the bottom of the list, where we need to remember to keep it up at the top! Blessings!
I try to pick up a little something he’d like at the grocery store. Yesterday it was a couple of spicy fried chicken pieces. He loved it!
Yes! Totally how I roll too Gina. I think sometimes it’s just the simple little things that can make all the difference! 🙂 Thanks for sharing.