I recently had the pleasure of reading an advance copy of Jennifer Hand’s 31 Days to Coming Alive. Written as a daily devotional, her words captured my attention, and really got me thinking…and going deeper.
God could have made one common animal, but Genesis describes how He made varieties of animals, plants, ecosystems, environments, even the land and the sea. The powerful part of God? He spoke all of creation into being with His words. – Jennifer Hand, 31 Days to Coming Alive (bold mine)
I couldn’t help but stop here and ponder. God spoke all of creation into being—with His words.
His powerful words…which are given to us in the Bible.
His God-breathed words of life.
It wasn’t just at the time of creation that God breathed life with His words. His words give life…every time we open the Bible and start reading.
Jesus confirmed it when He was being tempted by Satan.
Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. Matthew 4:4 NIV
To live on every word that comes from God.
I like how The Message version says it too…
Jesus answered by quoting Deuteronomy: “It takes more than bread to stay alive. It takes a steady stream of words from God’s mouth.” Matthew 4:4 The MSG (quoting Deuteronomy 8:3)
A steady stream of words from God’s mouth.
Being in God’s Word regularly…where we find life.
In His Word…
I find hope when I am empty.
I find rest when I am weary.
I find comfort when I am lonely.
I find strength when I am weak.
I find energy when I can’t go on.
All in God’s living Word.
Our God who spoke creation into being is our same God who speaks to us today.
But those who trust (wait for, hope) in the Lord will find new strength.
They will soar high on wings like eagles.
They will run and not grow weary.
They will walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31 NLT
Jennifer Hand’s eBook, 31 Days to Coming Alive, is now available on Amazon. Click here for more information: 31 Days to Coming Alive
Photo credit: Stock photo: Eagle
Laura this is beautiful. I am so honored you share my words and put them with your powerful ones. I loved how you linked this.. just made me pause and ponder also. Thank you so so much
Thank you Jenn 🙂 Your comments are always so encouraging to me.
God bless,
I loved tbis! Your blog subject was very close to my heart (cbeck out the website and you’ll know why!!) I am so glad there are others encouraging us to focus on God’s Words in this time. It’s going to be critical that we know Him well in the coming days. Blessings.
Deborah. 🙂
I want to soar like that. His words change my day and change me!
His Word is life to me, it’s my hope, my soul source of strength. Thank you for your encouraging words, always!