“Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
Matthew 11:28-30
This is my favorite promise, and yet I don’t seize it daily. I’m not sure why it is so hard to master. Why my feet get stuck in the quicksand of fear or regret.
He bids us come–no restrictions–and promises rest, knowledge, a lightened load. Yet I have days where I hide in the bushes like my ancestor Eve. Determined to appear more decent before facing Him.
Friends, I think I’ve found a new perspective. The epiphany struck while reading about another gal I’m more similar to than I care to admit: The Samaritan Woman.
We all know the story. How she was doing her daily routine and Jesus showed up, turning her world upside down. She did what I would have done–tried to turn the conversation off herself and onto His issues (the Jews). Still He didn’t back down and kept offering to save her. fill her. redeem her. (You may read HERE.)
And I can’t help but realize–Jesus knew her from the inside out and still He sought her out. Approached her. Not the other way around.
To think…He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever…
Do you think that could mean even though He knows me for who I am, He still pursues me? And when He offers I come to Him, do you believe He’s already here?
He’s met us more than half way. For the cross is farther than I would have traveled. All He is asking of us now is to take that step, grab hold of His open hand, and leave it all behind. Whatever was holding us back–He’ll take care of it.
Just come.
Come to the well.
Jesus saw the Samaritan woman as she was. In her raw, true state. And He didn’t look away. To think…even after seeing how ugly we humans can be, He still offered to lay His life down.
We can do this. We can bring Him our hearts. No matter how broken. “As you are” is all He requires. Because that’s the naked truth.
His message to the Samaritan woman still applies to us today:
A time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.
John 4:23
Friends, we are called to worship. To come into His presence in all our wretched truth and praise Him. For if we do, joy will overflow. Peace will overcome. Rest will overtake. And we will be made new.
Let’s go to the well as we are.
Leave it all behind.
And take Him up on that promise. What do you say?
Jesus, here I am, completely empty with not much to offer except…me. Yet here, I give You all I have. Fill me with You. My Lord, I accept Your offer–I’ll take Your yoke today. Thank You…Thank You…You’re all I need.
The song below speaks this message better than I ever could and I thought it would be a great place to start us on our journey to the well….
Such beautiful truth.
Thanks for reading, friend.
His promises are beautiful, aren’t they??
Oh my dear friend…yes! I am trying to leave it all behind…this was just what I needed this morning. thank you!!! Hugs to you…hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Praying for you, Mary! {HUGS} Thanks for reading, friend.
Nikki, I read this in the morning yesterday, and I wanted to sit with it. As I read it again this morning, it was clear that I needed to embrace the idea of bringing my raw self to Him. I didn’t think I had a problem doing that, but with the messy-ugly emotions that come with healing from abuse, I know I struggle to do it. Yours is a beautiful reminder of what He offers. Thank you! Xoxoxo.
Oh, Mandy…the enemy does a good job of showing us how ugly we are without Him, doesn’t he…Even I struggle {HUGS}. What grace He gives when He transforms our ashes into pure beauty. And He is with you, my beautiful friend…
You have given us such a wonderful picture of the precious riches that are ours in our beautiful, merciful Savior. He does see us as we are, so broken beyond belief. And yet, He loves us, desires us, and pursues us. Who can fathom this?!? And all we need to do is come to the Well.
You sum this up so brilliantly, Laurie.
Yes…who can fathom this? I pray I never get over it…and that I will daily come to the Well. Thank you!
A timely message, Nikki. Sometimes we treat God like He is just one more person who wants something from us. That’s the opposite of Who He is. Thanks for the encouragement.
Oh so true, Melanie! my, how I can limit my expectations of Him simply by focusing too much on me…and the grace He keeps giving me is relentless. oh my, how He loves us.
Thanks for this beautiful reminder Nikki!
Thank you, Deb, for reading! {HUGS}
Oh, how He loves us! I find that the times I’m able to come to the well, and come purposefully there, are the times I just throw myself at His feet and weep. With shame, regret, worry, fear, jealousy, or pride, it doesn’t matter. Jesus lovingly scoops me up Every Single Time and sits me down beside Him. He wipes away those tears and reminds me of who I am, in Him.
Coming to the well is only hard when I allow the enemy to convince me that my sin is too great. What a lie! When I think on your words, Nikki, that he already met us MORE than halfway, at the cross, OH… Oh, what a lie to believe that anything is too great for that kind of love.
Beautiful. Thank you for lifting my eyes to the Lord, this morning, friend.
“nothing is too great for that kind of love…” Yes, Missy…Yes. I’ll be remembering your words, friend! thank you…{HUGS}
Beautiful as always Nikki! This is one of my favorite passages. Thank you for the reminder that we (I) don’t need to be “good enough” to come to Him. <3
Thank you, Vicki! {HUGS} Let’s make sure our kids know this, yes?