As mamas, we carry heavy loads. There are so many details to remember. In my own mind right now, these swirling; kids doctor’s appointment, paper work for records transfer, math tests graded for the math tutor tomorrow, transcript send from this college to the other, graduation save the dates and announcements, lunch, laundry, writing this post and so many more.
And those are just immediate needs my mind is reeling about. How about past decisions, missed appointments and opportunities, regrets?
Do you ever find yourself replaying past events and decisions in your mind, overanalyzing them, wondering and worrying about what you could have done different? I do. And then it clouds my judgement and drains my confidence for the making the right decisions in my present.
Sometimes when our minds are overflowing and overlapping with thoughts about life, responsibilities, problems and needs, it’s God’s voice we silence, and wisdom and peace and joy we forfeit. And I’ve been in this place lately. I’ve been overwhelmed and my thoughts have been negative. I know the solution for this state of mind. And still, it’s not always easy, though vitally necessary for my mind to be filled with the thoughts of God.
“It is in lonely solitude that God delivers His best thoughts, and the mind needs to be still and quiet to receive them.” Charles R. Swindoll
When we give ourselves time to contemplate and meditate on God’s word, being attuned to God’s Spirit we become sensitive to the sacred gift of God’s whispers. Those whispers can be deafened by our responsibilities, worries, needs and fears.
Our yes to seemingly good things can clutter our minds with all of our commitments taking us away from the source of our strength — God, the very One whom we serve. And our busyness gets in the way of the most important relationship in life and the one that affects every other — our relationship with Him.
Being still doesn’t just mean going somewhere quiet, although we need those moments too, but God is in our everyday ordinary. It’s quieting our minds enough to notice He’s there. Carrying the burden of our own troubled thoughts, worries and fears keeps us weighted, looking down, blind to the ways and workings of God in our life.
We need God’s wisdom. He promises to give it liberally when we ask. (James 1:5)
“The English word wisdom is derived from an old Anglo-Saxon word meaning ‘to see.’ And in Greek, the word for wisdom means ‘clear.’ Wisdom is what enables us to see the big picture. Wisdom is what enables us to ‘see’ God.” Dr. Les Parrott, You’re Stronger Than You Think
We need the peace of God. This He promises, not as the world gives. (John 14:27) His peace transcends understanding. (Philippians 4:7) And His doesn’t depend on weather or the economy. It doesn’t depend on our health or everything going our way. What ever the circumstances His peace will guard our hearts and minds.
“You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you. Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord is the eternal Rock.” Isaiah 26:3-4
We need His joy. The joy of the Lord is our strength, and in His Presence there is fulness of joy. (Nehemiah 8:10, Psalm 16:11) Our busyness, cluttered minds and thoughts can choke out the joy that can be found in finding God in our everyday ordinary, and miss out on the reality of the Presence of God in our moments.
“Earth’s crammed with heaven, and every common bush afire with God.” Elizabeth Barrett Browning
I pray you and I both find time to quiet our minds, and receive the thoughts of God.
Michelle, I think you are so brave to be so real. Recently I have been reading several books on brokenness and fear–God Loves Broken People by Sheila Walsh. and What Women Fear by Angie Smith. It occurred to me that sometimes suffering is the salve that soothes the broken places. You are an encouragement to many people, may this season of trial be the salve that draws you nearer to the Father. Blessings, Kasey